What are you doing? (L x Cutter! Reader) short

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⚠️TW//: This oneshot contains Self harm. If you are sensitive or easily triggered, it's suggested to skip.⚠️




• @sweetpeyt here it is and if it's crappy I'm sorry i wasn't really sure how to go on with this but i hope you like it :)•

Info: the person who requested this wanted a one shot of y/n cutting not because of any serious issues/is depressed but as a bad and toxic habit.

It was another annoying and boring day at the HQ.
Hearing the same typing and writing with pens was going to drive me insane.

I looked over at L, he was busy looking at his screen and looking through a ton of files.

I sighed before looking down at my hands.

Well there's nothing else to do...I finished my work and now...

I opened my desk drawer and grab a small little ring box and pulling out a thin razor

I usually did this stuff in private but I was really bored and I just needed to do it

I take the thin razor and slowly drag it across my skin and cut it

One line.
Two line.
Three line.
Four line.

Now small four lines on my arm slowly bleeding.
I reach for a small tissue and wipe off the blood ignoring the pain of a dry tissue wiping the cuts on my skin

I decided to cut the other side.
This time I did six cuts and cleaned it up with a tissue before tossing it into the trash can near by and covering it up with bandages and my long sleeve shirt

The cuts were deeper this time so they hurt a bit more this time but that's what I wanted anyways

After wiping and cleaning the razor  I put it back in the drawer and put it back in my desk drawer

I got up slowly and quietly and went to the kitchen hopping no one would noticed my cut up arms

I went to the kitchen and reached for first aid kit to grab some bandages so the bleeding would at least stop a bit and not bleed all over my arms and work

I open the kit and pull out the bandages

"So what happened to you?" I hear L's voice from behind me

"Oh- I'm just grabbing a bandage I cut my finger by accident" I said not facing him

He walked closer to me

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah.." still not facing him

I knew L would be mad at me if he saw the cuts he hated it when I would get hurt

He grabbed my arm cause me to yelp feeling his fingers on my open cuts

"Are you oka-" He was cut off by seeing blood slowly staining my shirt

He pulled up my shirt sleeve as saw all the cuts I made on my skin

He looked at my arm before looking at my over arm seeing blood drip down from my fingers

He let go of my arms as he grabs the first aid kit and opens it and pulls out a disinfectant wipe to clean the wounds and then the bandages to wrap up my arms without saying a word

"What were you doing to your arms?" he said breaking the silence

"I...cut them." I said


"Because I was bored and wanted to..." I said with a tear forming in my eye

He looked over at me seeing on how I was about to cry and pulled me into a hug

"Look (Y/n) I don't want you to feel bad but...what you are doing isn't okay, it's harming you and your beautiful skin. I don't want to see you cut your arms again okay? If your bored then come to me and I'll figure something out okay just please don't do that it hurts me seeing you making markings on your beautiful arms that are harmful okay?" He said holding you tightly being careful with your arms

"O-okay" i say quietly holding on to him

I didn't mean to make him feel bad but I feel like I let him down

He pulled away from the hug and looked at me

"I just want to know if there's anything bothering you or anything at all because I really don't want to see you hurt or cut your beautiful skin just because your bored okay my love?" He said stroking your hair

"N-no and I'm sorry.." I say looking down

"It's okay my love don't feel bad just please promise me you won't hurt yourself please my love.." He said putting his hand under my chin to face him

I nodded as I gave him a soft smile

"Good now how about we take the day off and we'll just talk or just relax okay?" He gave me a soft smile back


"Good" he kissed my forehead lightly " now cmon love, let me show you how much I love you"

•I know this isn't my best but I hope y'all still liked it•

Love sweet like sugar- lxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now