Scared (L x Pregnant! Reader)

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animelov333 Thank you so much for give me those many ideas and here we go•

I was scared.
I knew this was going to affect L but I didn't know how he would feel.

I sat on my bed staring at the test in my hands


I didn't know if L would be happy or mad
"Would he want to keep it? Does he want to be a father? Will he still love me?" I kept asking myself

I decided just to hide the test and get work done and I'll just tell him tonight

I went down stairs where everyone was working and sat down in my seat and just worked on some paperwork

I couldn't focus on my work I kept worrying about how will L feel

L has never really talked about starting a family he just never really brought it up and I'm scared he won't want to have this child with me.

"(Y/n) are you all right?" L asked looking over at me

"Huh o-oh Yeah I'm fine" I smiled at him

"Are you sure you don't seem like yourself?" He asked

"Yeah I'm fine. Do you want some coffee or tea I about to go get some." I say standing up

"S-sure, I'll take a tea please" He said

"Alright" I said making my way to the kitchen

I hid my face in my hands as I leaned on the counter

"Hey (y/n), you alright" I heard my brother Matsuda's voice from the door way

"Oh Matsu..." I didn't know if I should tell him or not

"Is everything okay? You know you can tell me anything right?" He said moving closer to me

"Yeah it's just..." I sighed "Matsu I have to tell L something but I'm scared.." I said looking down

"Why?" He said

"It's um..-I'm just scared he's going to be mad at me" I said

"It cant be that bad and I cant imagine L being mad at you he probably doesn't know to be mad" He chuckled

"Well you said the same thing about me asking you if you think he might like me" I said

"Well what is the thing you need to tell him?" he asked

"I'm...I'm pregnant and it's L's" I said

" um congrats sis" he said awkwardly "but why are you afraid of telling him?"

"Because I'm scared about what if he doesn't want the kid or will he want to be a father or will he still love me" I answered

"Why do you think that?" He asked

"Well L and I haven't really talked about having a kid and when I brought it up sometimes which is rare, he would change the topic like as if he didn't want to talk about it"

"Well im sure he'll take care of the kid. I doubt he'll turn his back on the child. I might not know him that much but I'm sure he'll take the kid after all it is his kid." He said

"Thanks Matsu that helps." I nodded

"Alright and maybe you should bring L his tea before it gets too cold" he ruffled up my hair

"Yeah okay"


It was night time and and me and L were in our bedroom as he worked on some paperwork I sat on the bed

"Hey Love?" He said gently "is there something you want to tell me?" He asked turning around in his chair

"Huh? Why?" I asked

"I'm not sure, you haven't been acting like yourself is anything wrong?"

I felt tears started to roll down my face

"Hey hey hey don't cry my love" He said pulling me into a hug

"L I have to tell you something and I'm scared to.." I said sitting up and pulling out of his embrace

"Alright what is it?" He asked concerned

"Um..I don't know how to tell you and I'm scared you're going to be mad." I said before him cutting me off

"(Y/n). Your the love of my life, you bring me so much joy just by being with me and I could never ask for a better wife because your just perfect for me. You could never hurt me or do anything to make me mad at you. Okay? Now please love tell me what's wrong."

"Lawliet...I'm pregnant and it's yours and please don't be mad" I said looking at him as he just froze

"You're...pregnant?" He asked again

"Yeah I am"

His eyes started watering as he looked at me and smiled

"Mad? How could I be mad? I'm going to be a father" he said pulling me into a hug

"Wait s-so your happy?"

"Of course I finally going to have a family of my own" He tearfully smiled

"But you never talked about wanting to be a father" I said

"I know and to be honest I didn't really know how to talk about it because I never really had a family to call my own.. my parents had both left me at a really young age and I was always alone due to my lack of social skills so I never had anyone to call family besides you and now I'm going to finally have one" he smiled at me

I pulled him back into a hug

"I'm so happy that your happy about starting a family" I say holding him tightly in my arms

"Me too" he said holding you tightly

Love sweet like sugar- lxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now