L x Run away! Reader

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• I know I was gonna write a Hamilton AU but I didn't know what the hell i was doing so I decided to give up and write this instead•

"Why can't you do anything right!" your father yelled at you slamming his fist on the table

"We do everything for you but you can never listen can you!" Your mother yelled at you as well

You were caught skipping school and got detention where your parents had to pick you up.

"Mom I'm sor-" before you could even finished you mother slapped you hard

"You always disappoint us every single day and giving half ass apologies isn't going to fix anything!" you father said

Tears were forming in your eyes as you put a hand over the stinging pain on your cheeks

"You think crying is going to solve this! You could ruin our reputation! Yet you never listen it always has to be about you doesn't it!" Your mother yelled again

You were so close to sobbing because this abuse has been going on for as long as you could remember. The only thing that was important to your parents was the reputation do to them you getting caught for shoplifting was basically committing arson

"Are you even listening to me?!" Your mother shouted at you


"Answer me!" Your mom slapped your head

"I said yes!" You raised your voice at her before regretting it

"Don't you dare raise your voice at your mother!" Your dad yelled at you

After hours of your parents yelling at you and hitting you they left to their room and you sat by yourself in your dark bedroom when you got an idea

You got up and wiped the tears off your face and grabbed a black and white backpack and stuffed some clothes and your wallet with your credit card and some money into your bag and put on a gray hoodie, black jeans and some converse before opening your window where you could easy leave by and slipped out

-Time skip-

After getting into a cab you finally got to the airport and bought yourself a plane ticket and texted your best friend L

You: Hey do you think I stay with you?

L was your best friend you met him when he was visiting Tokyo you were the only person that knew he was the L beside the orphanage

L: Um sure but why? Is everything okay?

You: yeah I just want to visit you

L: Okay sure. see you then

You turned off your phone and threw away your phone into a near by trash can before getting on the plane so your parents couldn't track you

After getting off and on to planes you finally made it to England and you were currently in a cab to "Wammy's house"

You payed the man and walked into the orphanage and you saw L standing at the entrance

"L!" You said running over to him and hugging him

"Y/n hey are you-" he stopped mid sentence seeing the bruises on your face

"Who did this to you?" He asked in a very concerned and worried tone

"It doesn't matter I'm just glad I'm finally here" your said holding onto L with your face buried into his chest

You heard footsteps coming closer

"Y/n!" You heard Watari's voice

"Huh Watari?" You looked up from L's chest

"One how did you get here and two why are you here?" He asked

"Watari? What do you mean?" L asked

"Y/n's parents sent out a missing person report she's on the news." Watari explained

L look at you again "okay y/n what is going on?" He asked

Tears started to run down your cheeks again
"I-I ran away I can't stay with my parents anymore...all they do is yell at me and hit me for ruining their reputation I just don't want to stay there so I bought a plane ticket and flew here." You look down

"Y/n why didn't you tell me" L said looking at you

"I just couldn't" you said

"Well I think we should contact the Japanese police to let them know your safe but we can do something about your parents because what they are doing is abuse" Watari said looking at you

You just nodded

"Alright L why don't you take her to your room for now as I contact the Japanese police" Watari said walking away

You and L walked up to his room and sat on the chair next to his desk

"So how long as this been going on?" L asked standing

"Every since I was little.."you said in a quiet voice

L felt hurt knowing that

"I'm sorry L" you quietly said

Out of no where you felt L tightly wrapped his arms around you

"You shouldn't be sorry" he said

"But I-"

"You didn't do anything" he said

"Well I skipped school and got detention cause this while fight with my parents" you said

"You were just being a 18 year old" he said wiping your tears away

"But still"

"Shh you fine okay you didn't do anything your parents where the ones hurting you"

You just sighed

"Thanks L you always make me feel so much better" you sniffed

"No problem I'll always be here for you okay" he said pulled away from the hug to face you

You just smiled as he had a hand in your cheek gently rubbing his thumb across your cheeks and slowly getting closer to your lips

You both made eye contact when he slowly inched closer to you and kissed you gently

"...I love you Y/n..." he pulled away looking at you

You blushed at those words

"I love you too.." you said pulling L into another hug

Hello my peeps I'm sorry for not updating I haven't been in the writing zone lately but yeah I'll try to update more often but it's not gonna be daily because my creative has been dying lately but whatever so yeah...see ya in the next chapter

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