Kiss and make up (L x reader) short

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• I'm sorry I can't get myself to write smut so-•

You were mad.

He was mad.

Everyone was upset.

So what happened was...

"(Y/n)!" L shouted from the kitchen and everyone's head turned to the insomniac who was clearly upset

"...yes?" You walked over to him

"Did you really eat all my sweets?" He said pissed off

You rolled your eyes since you weren't in the mood for L to be upset because you ate some of his sweets

"That's what your upset about." You said annoyed

"Are you-" he held up the empty packets of M&M

"Yeah okay? You have legit like a million sweets what are you complaining about?"You said

"Your kidding me right." He started at you in disbelief

"What the hell are you so mad about?! It's legit damn candy" you said snatching the wrapper from his hands and holding it up

"Do you not understand the problem here" He said confused

"No! I don't why are you mad over damn candy that I ate god." You started to get frustrated

"Because (y/n). It's my-"

"It's yours and you can even share a few." You stared at him

At this point the task force was confused on why L was so upset about candy

Watari stood there just taking a sip out of his tea and looking over files

He knew that L would keep his frustration too himself and then when the littlest things happened and he was not in the mood for it he would throw a tantrum, which was rare but still happens from time to time.

At this point you and L were arguing about so many things that weren't just about candy and the task force stood there seeing the two people they didn't expect this type of argument to happen

"Oh so we are now talking about annoying? Okay well you know what. It's so god damn annoying when you leave your damn papers literally Everywhere." You said

"Oh really. Well what about you constantly leaving all your manga everywhere! And i mean everywhere. All over the living room and all over the bed and kitchen"

"Seriously? Okay what about all the cups of tea and coffee that are everywhere! And when I feel I'm the mood for tea or coffee there never is any mugs!" You said irritated

"You really want to bring up things that you do too" he stared at you "okay what about all the plates. It's not just me it's also you so don't-" you started to cup him off but you both were talking over each other

"You know what I'm done!" You shouted

"Fine whatever I can't handle arguing with you any longer" he said throwing the candy wrappers away

"I can't handle arguing with you"

"Aren't you done with this? You act like such a child" he said clearly triggered

"I'm a child?! Who's the grown ass man who got pissed off because I ate some of your candy" you shouted

"Oh my god-"

"Okay okay stop!" Misa walked into the between of you

"Yeah you guys need to stop" Matsuda walked into the room

"You know what I'm really done with this shit and leaving" you walked out of the room and went to yours and slammed the door

L walked out the room and went to his own room and slammed the door too

And that's what happened and everyone is not in the best mood they could be in.

You laid on your bed pissed and just wanted to lay there all day and not see L.

And L sat in his room upset and pissed but a part of him felt bad for what he did but didn't want to say sorry yet.

Both of you wanted the other to say sorry first.

"Okay this is annoying" Misa walked into you room and rested her hands on her hips

"Well it's not my fault" you mumbled while gripping onto your pillow

"And you said L acted like a child.."she said pulling your pillow away only for you to grab another one

"(Y/n)..." she said as she snatched the pillow away and you were left with none "stop acting like this, you are an adult and shouldn't be acting like your brother cut your barbies hair" she sat next to you

"Oh but L can-"

"Stop right there. Yes L acted like a baby but you know how he isn't like everyone else, he's much himself and doesn't really show anything bothering him until it explodes you of all people should know that" she said

"How do you know-"



"Anyways you and him should kiss and make up." She smiled

"Hold up- what" you said turning to her

"Oh come on everyone knows something is going on between you two. It's so obvious that you two like each other" she rolled her eyes


"Just go apologize to him and he'll say sorry back" she said pushing you off the bed

"F-fine" you got up and walked over to your door before turning your head to her before she mouth 'go.' And you groaned before walking out and went to L's floor

You walked up to his floor and opened his door not giving a crap if he cared or not

He stood in his room as he turned to you emotionless and walked over

"Um..." you walked in a bit and closed the door

"Look L im..."

Just right when you were about do say he pulled kabe-don and looked at you right in the eye and you blushed at the sudden move

He lifted your chin up and attached your lips to his as he kissed you passionately and you did the same.

You wrapped your arms around his shoulders as he rested his hand on your hips and one still on the wall as he licked the bottom of your lip occasionally and you sure as hell enjoy having his sweet, sugar tasting lips on yours

Needing to god damn breath he pulled away from the kiss and looked down at you with apologetic eyes

"Look (y/n) I'm sorry for being so childish, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that-"

"Okay but holy shit that was hot" you said looking at him only for him to get flustered

"Really?" He said looking at you

"Yeah like L I'm so sorry for eating all your M&M that was cool but okay damn" you said still between L's arms

"It's okay I shouldn't have gotten that mad over candy"

"And im sorry I didn't ask before eating your sweets" you apologized as you both stood there in silence

"So you think that was hot?" He chuckled softly looking down at you

"Hell yeah " you smiled looking at him his reddish lips

"Then let's turn up the heat and see how hot this can get" He is said before kissing you again and let's just say you couldn't walk the next day but at least you two made up


Love sweet like sugar- lxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now