Lies (L x Reader) Pt.5

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lol jk this is the longest chapter I have written so far•

I couldn't move as I sat in silence feeling a throbbing pain on my side

"Alright, let's play a game" I hear her heels click on the floor

"Now this game is call~" she said singsongy "how many hits will it take to make you bleed!" As she said that she hit me on the other side of my abdomen

The throbbing pain grew 10 times as I could feel the pain growing

"Hmm I don't want to hit your head yet because I don't want you to die...I wanna play this game as long as possible!" She giggled insanely before hitting with more force on my left arm and i could just hear the impact of the metal bat hit my arm with the sound of my bone hitting it

I could even scream so I just had to hold in

"Hmmm you not crying or whimpering." I could hear her pout

I hear her heels click loudly as she got closer and bent down in front of me and rip off the duct tape so hard that it pealed a piece of my lip and ripped the blindfold off, pulling out some strands of my hair as I tried not to show any reaction.

"Now that's better" she said as she got up again

I stared at her as she walked around in the dark room

"Now lets keep on playing!" She swung the bat as hard as she could and hit the same spot she hit the first time but this time much more painful

I couldn't show any reaction.
That's what she wanted.
To see me in pain.
So I'm not going to let her win.

"C'mon cry!" She slammed the bat as hard as she could on leg

The pain was so much. The feeling of a metal bat slamming on a leg and hearing it make contact with my bone made me cringe

I held in the screams and tears.
Not even a whimper was going to be let out.

"Dumb bitch." She grabbed me by the head and hit it as hard as she could against the poll I was chained to

I almost groaned but I cut myself off

"Stop acting like this doesn't hurt." She pull my hair as hard as possible and yanking hair out.

I was in so much pain my whole body was so numb, I was getting dizzy and my head was throbbing and I couldn't do anything but suffer

"Well...I guess I can play another game.."

She walked out of my sight range and came back with 4 boxes

"Alright this is going to be fun" she opened the first pink box and pulled out a cup

"Oh how mother would yell if I did this...good thing she's dead and won't do anything to me so I can hurt you all I want!" She threw the glass at my face

It barley missed me but the shards few around as l shut my eyes and turn my head

She grabbed another glass and threw it at me but this time it was closer and cut my cheek

"Oh look your bleeding" she smiled and threw another one

She kept throwing them at me until she ran out

Now I'm surrounded in glass shards and my hands and face is cut with glass pieces that had cut me

"I think I'm finished I'll be back soon to have more fun" she giggled "oh yeah don't bother trying to leave I'll kill you" she smiled

Love sweet like sugar- lxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now