L x Sick! Reader

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I laid in bed feeling horrible

My head hurts, my throat is sore and I have already threw up like two times already.

I knew I probably should call L to tell him that I can't come into work because I'm sick but me being lazy I didn't feel like it

I continued to just lay in my bed trying to nap so hopefully I'll feel at least a tiny bit better later.

~Time skip~

I heard a knock on the door and a voice calling out my name before the door clicking open and to see L standing there

"Y/n why aren't you at work?" He asked in his usual monotone voice

"I'm sick so I can't come into work..wait why are you here and how did you get in here"

"I have a spare key you gave me a while ago and called you ten times but you never answered any of them so I got worried" he said sitting besides me


He put a hand over my forehead
"Geez y/n your burning up"

"I told you I was sick didn't I"

He just sighed before getting up
"Have you eaten anything yet?"

"No but I threw up two times"

"Damn it y/n. here I'll go get you something to eat just rest okay" he said stroking my hair before leaving the room

I just laid there until L came back with some ramen noodles

"Here you have seriously nothing in your kitchen besides this" he said putting it on the bedside table

"Yay my favorite" you said in a cheerful yet sick voice

"Those aren't good for you, you know"

"Neither are your sweets"

"fair enough"

After I finished eating L gave me some cold medicine

"Ugh I hate medicine it taste awful"

"It's not suppose to taste good its medicine" he said putting the cap back on

"Yeah but can't they make it taste less gross"

"Why should they your only suppose to take it when your sick"

"Whatever" you sighed

"Now go shower it will help if you take a warm one

"Fine" you groaned literally sliding off your bed making your way into the bathroom

After you got back you laid back into your bed

L walked in with some hot tea and set down next to me

"There it will help with your cold"

"Thanks, you know you can go back to work I can't take care of myself "

"No I'm staying until you get better" he laying down next to you

"Okay fine..but guess what movie we'll be watching"

"Oh god"

"(F/m)" you said with a smirk

"Again" he sighed

"Yes again and your gonna like it" you said turning on the tv

Soon  you and L both fell asleep in each other's arms

~The next day~

You woke up and you stretched out your arms feeling so much better then yesterday

"Good morning L" you said

"Good morning" he replied when his face deep into a pillow

You got up and opened the door to go get something to eat since you barely even ate anything but froze when you heard him sneezing before having a coughing fit

"Damn it y/n" you muttered to yourself

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