L x Drunk! Reader

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•warning it's gonna be cringey•

The Taskforce invited you and L out drinking

You really didn't want to go because you can't really handle alcohol and when you get drunk you act like a slut
How do you know that
Because after a hangover your friend told you after you had gotten drunk you dick grabbed a random dude and that's why you weren't aloud to go to that club because well lets say that wasn't the first dick grab you did at the club

But today-well more like tonight your knew you were only gonna have only a red wine

But sadly that wasn't the case

After you guys had gotten there you sat at the end slowly sipping the red wine as L had some strawberry champagne

"Hey y/n want to take some shots with me!"
Matsuda slightly yelled across the bar

"Hm I don't think I should..." I said

"Cmon only one!"

"Mmmh okay but only if Ryuzaki takes a shot with me" I said

The cute sleep deprived detective looked up innocently from slipping his sweet strawberry champagne

"I don't like bitter things" he said going back to sipping his champagne

"Cmon Ryuzaki it will be fun" Mastu said

"No." He said ordering another champagne

"Please Ryuzaki" you and matsu said at the same time

"..fine" he got up and walked over to you and matsuda and picked up a shot

"...one...two...three!"matsu chanted before all three of you taking the shot of vodka

L looked like he regretted taking the bitter shot but didn't say anything

"Up for another one?"

Well I mean it's only one more what's the worst could happen

"Sure Ryuzaki up for another one"



"...okay" he said

After five shots you were wasted and acting like a slut
Matsu was a bit wasted and L wasn't drunk at all the most a bit tipsy

You were flirting with a ton of guys and L had noticed

"Hey babe your looking finnnnnne tonight" you giggled and your drunk ass flirting with this dude who was on a date with his girlfriend

"Excuse me, he's mine we are on a date" the clearly irritated girlfriend said

"Oh really now"


"That bitch still fine I mean dat ass tho-"

The girl look like she was about slap you before L got up

"Okay y/n you're clearly wasted and we should probably get you home"L said grabbing your arm and pulling you away

"Oh ho hey there big boy" you said wasted af

"Excuse me"

"Well aren't you looking sexy tonight"

"Y/n the hell?"

"Well went aren't you" you said rubbing your hand on his chest

L grabbed you hand and moved it away

"Cmon L lets just have some fun~" you said so close to dick grabbing the detective before he grabbed your hand before you could grab him
"Y/n cut it out.-Hey guys I'm gonna take y/n home" L said talking to the task force

"Yeah so we can fu-"

L quickly put a hand over your mouth

"No I'm just gonna take back to the home"

He got you into the car leaning over to buckle you up before you held his hand down and had a hand caressing his jaw line

"You know L your even better than that guy I was just talking to in the pub" you whispered in a seductive voice

He immediately pulled away from you only to hit his head against the roof of the car and feeling really awkward

He got in the drivers seat turning on the car and started to drive only to be constantly being hit on by you

"You know it's just the two of us and it's dark we are in a car and if you just pull over this could be one wild night~"

"What the actual fu- here" L handed you a water bottle

Your drunk ass thinking it was vodka got exited

"Trying to get me more drunk wow never thought of as that kinda guy but sure" you giggled slipping it only to be disappointed that it was just water

"Drink all of it but slowly"

You 'hmpf-ed' before spilling the water

Soon you finally got home and L carried you all the way up to your apartment and opened your door with the keys that were in your bag and set you down on your bed

"This dress is so uncomfortable will you help me change~"

L was just done with you being drunk and just gave you a oversized shirt and some pj pants

"There change into those" he said while turning around
He heard the zipper of toy dress come off but only to feel your hands on his shoulders rubbing them gently

"Are you sure you don't want to-"

"Y/n no I like you a lot but your way to drunk and I can't take advantage of you like this" he said pulling your hands off before grabbing your shirt and putting it on for you same with the pants
"fine fine fine..."you said looking down before falling down and passed out on the ground

The next morning you woke up to the worst headache ever

You hadn't have had a hangover in a while so you forgot how horrible they are

You found arms wrapped around your waist before turning your head and seeing L laying there right besides you

"Wait L did we-"


You sighed in relief before remembering how you act when you get drunk

"L did I say anything..weird to you"


"Did I-"

"Try to grope me; yes"he said still not opening up his eyes

"Fuck"you muttered out

"Maybe when you aren't so drunk" he said with a smirk

Love sweet like sugar- lxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now