Just say it (L x shy! Reader)

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•I got this idea and I wanted to write it and the second part of friends can only stay friends is taking a bit longer than I thought so it might be up by tomorrow or Sunday •

"Why can't I just say it!" I whispered yelled into my pillow

I had fallen for L a while ago but I haven't worked up the nerves to tell him that I'm in love with him

Everytime I get near him I get all flustered and shy-Why can't I just tell him I love him!

I laid on my bed just staring at the ceiling

"Why do I like you so much?" I muttered

"Like who?"

My head shot up as I see L standing in the door way looking through three files trying to find a specific paper


"Yes I am L." He said in a monotone voice still looking at the papers

"O-oh um I was just talking about this type of um...sweets I like but I don't know why I like them so much and I'm always spending lots of money just buying them all the time and-" I realized I was talking to much but L was still looking through his dumb file of papers

"And what?" He said taking one of the chocolates from my desk and popping it into his mouth

"Annnnnd I- need to stop buying them so much because you know..."

He just looked up at me and set the papers onto my desk

"(Y/n) you've been acting pretty strange lately.." L said looking at me

I felt my face get slightly red.

"W-What do you mean?"

"Well you have been more nervous and less talkative and when you are you usually talk fast and leave quickly, often trying to end the conversation soon as possible. Any reason for that?" He looked at me and walking closer to me

"U-Um no not at all I'm just"

"Just what (Y/n)? I've know you for a very long time and you aren't acting like yourself and I'm starting to get"-he looked down his face getting slightly red and he gets closer to me-" worried about you.." he said

I could feel my face get red as I slowly inch away from him

"It's noting I'm f-fine" I say looking down so he can't see me blushing just because he got close to me

"(Y/n) you can tell me anything." He says sitting on the bed looking at me

"I know I can it's just.."

"It's just what?"

"L I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I um..." I couldn't finish my sentence it just felt like I just couldn't get the word out

"Well what is it?" He asks

"I um..." I start to get flustered

"Are you acting this way because of the fact you like me?" He asks in the most monotone voice ever

"Wait you knew?"

"Yeah only for a bit" he says

"L!" I slightly shove him



"You what?"He says leaning closer to me trapping me between his long arms

I was getting more and more flustered this wasn't like L getting all smooth?

"U-Um" i quickly looked away

He just smiled and sat back down

"You know (Y/n) i have found myself 97.99% attracted to you but now..."

"Now what" I look at him

"Now that I really do know you love me then I 100% am attracted to you" he smirked

"L-" before I could finish he pulled me close and kissed me

"Just say it (Y/n).."he pulled away

"I-I'm in love with you Lawlie"

"And I'm in love with you too" He said cupping my face between his hands

•oooookay the next chapter will be the Pt2 to the Friends can only stay friends so see ya then•

Love sweet like sugar- lxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now