L x Idol! Reader

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Blu_Da_Creator thanks for the idea

I/n=idol name
L doesn't seem the type to like music idols or anything in general besides his sweets

But he did, his favorite was actually a female idol, (I/n)

"Hey L! I have one ticket for (I/n) and I can't go but do you want them" Misa called out walking over to L

"Really?" He asked titling his head

"Well yeah no one else wants them so if you want to go then they're yours" she said setting them down onto L's desk

L didn't look like he was excited but inner fanboy him was

~Time skip to the concert~

L had gotten to the concert
He didn't like loud and crowded areas but since it was a (I/n) concert he didn't mind as much

Misa had given him fount row seats and he was stuck between two short girls who were screaming their heads off the whole time

After the two hour long concert everyone all at once was trying to leave so he just decided to wait till everyone left

After an hour five minutes of a ton of yelling and screaming of people trying to leave everyone finally left

L got up from his seat and started to walk out

He got outside but he had bumped into someone almost causing the other person to trip

"Ah I'm sor-" he was caught off guard when he look at the person he had bumped into

It was (I/n)

"Oh no it's fine"

He just nodded with out saying anything

"Might I ask why are you just now leaving?"

"I didn't want to go through the crowd of fan girls" he answered monotone

"Ah okay" you said with a sight laugh

There was a slight awkward silence

"You don't really seem the type to like my music"
you said out of nowhere while examining L

"Hm I just find you music calm and soothing you have a nice voice" L said in the most monotone voice ever

"Heh wow thanks" you smiled

It was just too obvious that L liked you because when he saw you smile his heart lit up and a small blush crawled onto his cheeks

And of course you noticed it

"You know you really cute" you said with a slight blush on your face as well

L shot his head up at you


"Mhm like your fluffy jet black hair and those dark eye bags are really cute" you giggled

He just blushed even more with out saying anything

His favorite and only idol just called him cute

"And the fact that you get so flustered so quickly is adorable" you said looked up at him

"T-thanks your..adorable too?" He sounded confused and flustered

You just giggle and you decide to give him a hug

He got extremely tense but slowly gave into the hug

It was kinda awkward since you were shorter than him so you head was right at his chest so he just patted you on the head but you could hear his heart beat going really fast

Also he smelt like chocolates and strawberries

You pulled out of the hug and held his hand between two of your smaller hands

"Well it was great meeting you.."


"Right Ryuzaki " you giggled

You let go of his hand and left

L stood there taking in everything that just happened but realized you left something in his hand

He opened it up a small little white paper

Which had a phone number in it along with the words 'call me'

L blush and just smiled to himself and went back to the HQ while holding the piece of paper the whole time

Sorry if this was crappy writers block sucks :/

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