Friends can only stay friends

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•This going to be kinda (not really im editing and it's not that long) a long chapter•

"I can't believe this..

I was finally going to marry the love of my life.

She is so special to me, the way she laughs, her smile, how she can be so caring and kind I could not ask for someone better.

She's the one.

I met her during a case.
Me and her hit it off the day we meant.

She enjoyed sweets as much as I did and understood things that I was going through.

She had been with me for a year but I can already tell that she's the one and the only person I want to spend my life with.

Each day I want to keep her close to me.

Keep her protected and loved in my arms.
Never let anyone hurt her.

Be the one that makes her laugh or smiles.
Or be the one who can wipe the tears off her face.

To be there for her the way she has been there for me.

I want to be the man that can protect her.
The one who keeps her safe.

The one that keeps her happy and shower her with my love.

She's just perfect.
Her eyes glisten every time I look into her eyes,
Her hair flows so perfectly
Her smile, the way she talks is just so perfect.

I just want to hold her and never let her go.
She is who I want to love, and she is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I can't stand being away from her.
I miss her even if Im gone for minutes.
Days I don't see her I miss her.
She is my air and water supply I can't live with out her.

I'm so happy I have her in my life I could not ask for someone better to be with.

She means the world to me.
I'm just excited when I get to call her my wife."

Was what L had told me.
I'm so happy for him.
My best friend is finally happy that he will marry his love...

...but why dose this hurt so much

Why do I cry myself to sleep?
Why do I cry every morning?
Why do I hate myself?
Why am I sad?
Why do I cry? Why do I feel sad?
Why can't I be happy for him?

Why does it hurt me to see him happy with my best friend?

Why can't I give a genuine smile when I see them together?

Why do I have to fake being happy when I see them?

Why do I cry so much?

It's because...

I love Lawliet.

I love him so much.
I knew him when I was young.
He help me when I needed help.
He was there for me when I didn't have anybody.

He protected me and kept me safe.
But now he has someone else and I won't be that person that he worries if I don't eat enough or if I didn't sleep well the night before.

He has (F/n) now.
I'm useless to him.
I don't mean anything besides 'childhood friend'

We are just friends and we'll stay that way until he moves on.

And she'll do the same.

All I can do now is just watch them develop a life together and have the love I'll never have with him.

Watch them move on and slowly forget me.
Leave me.
Forget me.
Won't care about me.
They'll move on but I won't.

I'll never find a man like Lawliet.

He was the only one who brought me happiness.
He's my first love.
But I wasn't his.
I'll never be his.
That won't ever happen.
I wish I could say I should have told him sooner but he loves (F/n).. and she's my best friend too.
I have to be happy for her.

She was lucky to have a man like Lawliet.

I'm happy she was able to have a man like Lawliet.

•Weeks later•

I went to (F/n) house to drop off the wedding plans she felt at my house.

I saw the door was slightly open so I decided to go in to see if everything was alright.

I walk in and hear noises so I walk in even more...

I reach to the bedroom and hear moans..

I know she isn't with L...

I quickly open the door to find her with her "guy friend" on the bed in only their underwear about to fuck

"(Y/n)! What the hel-"

"You god damn whore!" I yell

I grab her off the bed and pull her onto the ground and start slapping her

"What do you think your doing here with him! Huh? Answer me?!" I yell some more

"(Y/n) stop!" She said pushing me off

"Ryuzaki loves you so much that he's willing to give up his own life for you. He has done everything to make you happy and has never been unfaithful to you! And now you're being a slut and sleeping around with him! Why kind of a damn fiancé are you!? Huh!? ANSWER ME!" I scream at her

"Please don't tell L" she begged tears rolling down her face

"You bitch. You really think I'm not going to tell him." I say "you're even more disgusting than I expected. I'm going to let you tell your fiancé that you were sleeping around instead of being loyal and I swear to god if you don't then I will." I say

Right then L walked in.

"What happened?"

Part 2?

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