Lies (L x Reader) pt1

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•This is an updated version! The other parts to Lies is currently being/have been updated.•

Has it really been two years since my whole world change.
Gosh, time really does fly by when you're in love.
I'm just happy he's mine and I'm his.

Finally, we finished a case we had both been working on for months and we were flying back home in England.

On the flight back on L's private jet we had just about an hour left before we arrived so, we just relaxed and laid back since we hadn't had the chance to.

L was on his laptop flipping through cold cases he had been sent and files to kill his boredom.

"Lawliet use a neck pillow or lean your seat back so you can lay down or something so your neck and back don't hurt as much" I say, setting my phone down and look over to him.

"I'm fine my love I'm used to it" He says looking over at me with a smile.

"Still I don't want you to have a lot of back pain when your only twenty-four..." I said rubbing his back

"Well I had it when I was a kid, so what difference does it make that I'm in my twenties." He takes a bit out of some short cake.

"I just don't want your back to hurt" I rest my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes.

"You always worry about me so much." leaning his head on mine he smiled and holds my hand.

"Well yeah your my boyfriend, what else am I supposed to do." I look up at him seeing his pretty face.

"Let me worry about you" he kissed my forehead softly before pulling up the fuzzy blanket and wrapped it around me.

I smiled before falling asleep.

•Time Skip•

" up~" L's soft voice woke me up.

I yawn as I opened my eyes to see L poking me.

"Ah finally" he says smiling and rubs my head. "Come on love, we finally got here" He stood up holding out his hand.

I smiled as I stretched my arms out and L took me by my hands and pulled me up into a hug

"Now lets go." He said getting bags.

After a long car ride we made it back home.
Walking into our room and set our bags down.
I stretched my arms out as I yawned and I felt L hug me from the behind.

"Are you still tired?" he asked resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Yeah I'm always tired lawli. I just want to take a long nap" I play with his hair enjoying his warmth.

"Well why don't you take a nap until I can set things up and I'll wake you when we start okay?" He offered.

"Well... okay" I smiled.

"Good now go sleep love and I get everything set up."he said giving me a small peck and leaving.

I changed into some comfortable clothes and finally crashed.

•nap skip•

I opened my eyes and turned over and saw L flipping through files that had been sent to him.

Stretching and I sit up in bed.

"Love did I wake you?" L turned in his chair and looked at me.

"No not really." I yawned and got out of bed. "Do you want tea?" I asked grabbing my phone and seeing if I had any notifications.

Love sweet like sugar- lxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now