Chapter 2

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The door

You were directed towards a place called Waterfall, where obviously there were waterfalls. Seriously, who came up with these names when monsters got here?!

Slowly walking, you thought about what Grillby said before you left.

Someone was watching...and Grillby had to promise another person that he would check on this someone.

After that talk though, you actually had become friends with Grillby, which made you happy, having gained a new friend is something everyone likes, isn't it?

You slowly walked in the new environment, characterised by light-blue flowers and a dark blue atmosphere. Nevertheless, it was probably the best environment you had ever seen in your life.

You watched in awe, and kneeled down to smell one of those flowers, that almost looked like they were slowly dancing to the breeze.

But it had no smell.

You got away from the flower as you stared at it. Sure, as a scientist you knew that there were flowers that had a smell that humans at least couldn't perceive, but yet, you wanted to smell something, for science.

You lightly slapped yourself on your cheeks to go back to reality.

"Hey Y/N, come on, don't get sad only for a flower!"

"Hey Y/N, come on, don't get sad only for a flower!"

You jumped out of fear. Someone just repeated your last statement.

You looked around. Was this the someone Grillby said he was watching?

Your heart was almost about to get out of your chest, it was beating a lot faster than usual.

You turned around yourself multiple times, but no one was there. You checked even under the bushes, waiting for someone to come out and scare you. Maybe this was just a kid's prank.

But still, nobody came.

"...c-calm down Y/N" you said to reassure yourself.

"...c-calm down Y/N" the voice repeated.

This time, you were able to locate where the sound came from. You turned your head at your feet, and with much surprise, you found out that it was the flower that you actually smelt a minute ago.

You stared at it, surprised. You kneeled down again to observe the weird flower.

You carefully touched it, to see if it had any "device" that made it repeat what the person was saying. Turns out that it looked like a real flower.

You blinked your eyes repeatedly in disbelief. Shocking, wasn't it?

But small stars appeared in your eyes, now that you were actually affascinated by the flower. A flower able to repeat what it hears? Actually fascinating!

You picked the flower, and luckily enough, you found a cabin, and on it there was a vase. You grabbed some dirt to put in the vase and then you put the flower, along with some water.

You then proceeded to walk in Waterfall and try to exit the environment to reach the now broken barrier.

"So this is the path that little kid has taken, isn't it?" you thought to yourself, remembering when you heard the news about a child, or it seemed so, that managed to break the barrier and free everyone.

You mumbled a tune, and the echo flower repeated it.

"This is like talking with someone" you thought smiling.


Just how big is Waterfall?!

You were sure that you had kept walking for at least an hour, and you were still in the blue environment. It was pretty and all but you were growing sick of it.

You stopped on a station like the one you saw in Snowdin, where the wolf monster was, to catch a breath.

You caught a breath for 5 minutes, but it felt like an eternity, completely thinking about anything else.

You then continued to walk for a while, with a weird sensation: you were somehow lighter than before.

You looked at your arms and saw that in fact, you were lighter: you didn't grab the echo flower with you.

You turned back but something weird happened.

When you turned your back, the path you had taken wasn't there anymore: instead, there was a plain blue corridor with a gray door.

You blinked your eyes to make sure you weren't having an hallucination. Nothing, the door was still there. You even scratched them, but the door didn't want to disappear.

With some fear in your heart, you approached the door. It was a normal door, like the ones you would see in a normal house, the only odd thing is that it was light-gray.

Without even realizing, you pushed it.

Cold air welcomed you, and you had to hug your arms together to mantain some heat.

You slowly entered. There were black pitch walls and a gray floor, gray like the door.

But what caught you off-guard was something resting on the floor.

It was black, didn't look like it had some shape at all. Well, it looked like some sort of..slime, you could say...?

On the dark "substance" there was what you could call a "face". It had two dark eyesockets, and a crack on each of them, one going up his eye and the other one going down, almost meeting his grinning mouth.

"W-what...?" you quietly mumbled.

You approached "it", slowly but a bit more steadily.


But once you spoke, you saw two glowing white points in his eyes, and his smile widened.

You heard a ding, and the creature was gone.

"...what the fuck?" you thought.

You exited the room, and once you were out, the door closed itself, disappearing.

You stared at it, disbeliefed. First a door that appeares from nowhere, then a weird creature that disappeares once you speak to it and then said door vanishes?

"...the Underground is a weird place" you thought to yourself.

You quickly grabbed the echo flower you left behind from the station and continued on your journey.

However, two eyes were watching you.


"What do you mean you have sensed it?!"

The voice on the other end of the phone replied, worried.

"unfortunately...the worst might have happened"

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