Chapter 29

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The Man in the Flashback

After sitting on the little hill for what felt like eternity, among all those flowers, you stood up, finally calmed down.

You recollected your thoughts, focusing on that image your mind projected: a white face, with two black lines.

"Unless it was makeup, the person I saw was clearly a monster. That would explain why I have a flower like these at home. But I have to figure out how did that flower come in my home"

Inhaling slowly, you put your hand on your chest, along with the rhythm of your breaths and heartbeat.

But, even if you were panicked just a moment before, the only thing in your mind was a strong Perseverance.

The Perseverance of finding the one your soul was calling for.

No matter what, you would have found him.

You then looked around yourself once again at the flowers and screamed.

"'s me. Or, at least, it should be the person you're wishing to speak with. No matter where you are or who you are, I'll find you, I swear that! Wait for me..."

Your heart was beating faster for the excitement, welcoming the new strenght in your body.



Just as you got out of the Underground, you received a call from your co-worker.

"Y/N! Thank god you're alive, do you know what time is it?!"

You looked at the hour: 11 pm.

God, I really spent a lot of time in that cave, didn't I?

"Jim? Why are you calling me in the first place? Shouldn't you be at home by now?"

"How can YOU say the words "by now" with such easiness? We were dead worried for you! I even called you at least 10 times!" he yelled in your ear.

"Hey, hey Jim, don't scream in my ears...they're sensitive you know..." you pleaded as you checked the number of calls you had lost when you were down in the Underground, where there wasn't signal.

"Y/N, where are you now? We'll get you immediately"

You just noticed something: Jim wasn't talking in first person. He was always referring with "we"


"Jim, is there someone else there with you?"

"oH" he just said, caught by surprise.

"What's with that tone?" you asked, not quite understanding why he sounded like that.

"It's just that...yeah, I'm not alone. Daisy has also stayed here. She was worried for you, but it's not just her: I've befriended a monster scientist from the souls department and I wanted you to meet her, since you were supposed to conduct a research on Mount Ebbott, near the Underground. She insisted on staying here with me as she saw my worry.

And there is someone else. She has brought with her a...colleague of hers" he said.

Why did he put a bit of hesitation in the last part? Was something going on between him and the monster's colleague?

"Jim, it almost sounds like you have something going on with this colleague-" you said as you heard some interferences sounds "hey, what's happening?"

"Shh, I'm trying to be the most silent as possible, I'm not trying to be heard. That monster colleague of hers scares me: I got to know him like, two months ago, and the odd thing was that he knew my name, and it wasn't written anywhere, so, where the fuck did he learn it? I was so genuinely scared.

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