Chapter 2: best gift

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Xu Chengyan went back to his room to catch up on sleep, slept until two o'clock in the afternoon, and got up, changed his clothes and prepared to go to class.

After graduating from university, he found a job as a piano tutor in a training institution.

The job of a supplementary teacher is also relatively easy. Usually, he teaches students at night, or gives one-on-one supplementary lessons on weekends.

It just happened to be Sunday, and he had two one-on-one lessons in the afternoon, but there was no class in the evening.

When Xu Chengyan came to the cram school, there was a young female teacher in the office.

The female teacher heard the movement at the door, looked up and joked: "Mr. Xu is a little late today, usually the first to come."

Xu Chengyan smiled and came to the desk, "I accidentally overslept at noon."

"This weather is really suitable for sleeping in..." The female teacher sighed, and when she looked at Xu Chengyan inadvertently, she suddenly noticed something and coaxed: "Last night was very intense, right?"

Xu Chengyan was stunned.

"It's all exposed here." The female teacher pointed to a place on Xu Chengyan's neck.

Xu Chengyan subconsciously covered his neck, presumably it was the hickey he made last night, and quickly said, "I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention when I went out..."

"Come here, let me cover it for you." The female teacher took out the makeup from her bag, ready to help cover it up.

Fortunately, the hickey on the neck is not very heavy, and it is quickly covered.

It just happened that the time was almost up, and Xu Chengyan also went to the piano room upstairs to teach.

By the time the make-up class was over, it was already 6:00 pm. Xu Chengyan went back to the office to sort out the sheet music and was ready to go back.

"Finally off work!" The female teacher came over and asked, "Does Teacher Xu have any plans for the evening? We are going to have a buffet, do you want to go together?"

Xu Chengyan replied, "I'm going to cook at home tonight."

The female teacher also reacted, nodded and said, "Oh yes, you have a boyfriend, and you must be eating at home at night."

Xu Chengyan nodded with a smile, and did not deny the "boyfriend" in the other's mouth.

But to be precise, the husband is not his boyfriend, because he and the husband are not in a relationship.

Although the two have lived together and will do some things that can only be done between lovers, in fact, the husband has never explicitly admitted the relationship between the two.

Although they are not a couple, but they are a couple getting along, so they should be considered a couple.

The gentleman would hug him, kiss him, and even do more intimate things.

Moreover, Mr. will only do these things with him alone.

Xu Chengyan thought that he and his husband should be considered a couple.

After returning to the apartment, Xu Chengyan prepared dinner and waited for Mr.

Xu Chengyan sat on the sofa and sent another message to Mr.

It's just that after the message was sent, he didn't receive any response. It should be that the husband was too busy to look at his phone.

So Xu Chengyan ate the meal by himself, and then put the cold meal in the refrigerator.

Mr.'s work is very busy, sometimes it may not be possible to wait for Mr. to come back.

After Xu Chengyan took a bath, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

And just when Xu Chengyan was in a daze, he heard the door open.

Xu Chengyan opened his eyes half asleep, and when he looked towards the door, he saw a tall figure walking towards him.

"Sir..." Xu Chengyan shouted.

Holding a gift bag in his hand, He Yang walked over and sat beside the bed, placed the gift bag on the bedside table, and asked in a low voice, "Wake you up?"

Xu Chengyan shook his head, looked at the man in front of him, and asked, "Sir, are you busy at night?"

"Sorry." He Yang explained, "There is something wrong with the company."

Xu Chengyan said again, "Have you eaten at night, sir? There are still dishes left, I'll go and warm it up..."

He Yang: "I ate at the company."

The two were silent for a while, and the room became quiet.

After a while, He Yang took the gift bag on the bedside table and handed it over, "Gift."

"For me?" Xu Chengyan was a little surprised.

"Yeah." He Yang said slowly: "I didn't come back for dinner at night, it's a compensation."

"It's okay, just let me know if your husband is busy with work." Xu Chengyan laughed, and his beautiful peach eyes became brighter.

Xu Chengyan sat up from the bed, took the gift bag, and took out the gift box out of curiosity.

Open the gift box, inside is a bottle of perfume.

"Why did you think about buying perfume?" Xu Chengyan asked.

"I just saw it." He Yang looked at the perfume bottle in Xu Chengyan's hand and whispered, "It should suit you very well."

Xu Chengyan took out the perfume, tried the scent, and found that it was a faint cold scent, like the smell of cedar.

"It smells good." Xu Chengyan smiled, "What's the name of this one?"

"Snow Forest."

Xu Chengyan put the perfume bottle aside, got up a little and leaned in a little, and put his arms around the man in front of him, "Actually, you don't need to buy gifts, sir."

As long as the husband can accompany him like he is now, it is already the best gift.

Xu Chengyan hugged the man tightly and refused to let go.

He Yang raised his hand and put his arms around the young man's waist, and said, "I will come back to the old house with me this week."


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