Chapter 59: The relationship between you and me

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But the man didn't stop, as if he was obsessed with kissing, he leaned down.


Qin Zhou listened to the voice in his ear, and suddenly he didn't understand.

He had obviously asked for a kiss so many times before, but every time he was rejected by He Yang.

Now he doesn't need it, but He Yang wants to kiss.


Qin Zhou thought about a lot in a mess, but soon, he had no energy to think about other things, and was dominated by lust.

This is not the first time the two have been intimate, they are very familiar with each other's bodies, and they are in perfect harmony in bed.

After the end, Qin Zhou slowly calmed his breathing, and the heat in his body gradually calmed down.

The effect of the medicine eased, and the tiredness and drowsiness came back.

There was a sticky feeling under him, but Qin Zhou was too lazy to clean it up, he just wanted to sleep, so he turned over and turned his back to He Yang.

And just when Qin Zhou closed his eyes and was about to go to sleep, he suddenly felt his body being picked up by someone.

He Yang walked towards the bathroom with the person in his arms and entered the bathtub.

He Yang hugged the young man from behind, spread his legs apart and slowly cleaned up.

However, He Yang was cleaning up for the first time, and his movements were clumsy and cautious.

He Yang glanced at the young man in his arms and asked in a low voice: \"Who ordered the medicine?\"

Qin Zhou was still a little sleepy, so he casually replied: \"Manager.\"

After He Yang heard this, he frowned slightly and said nothing.

He Yang continued to clean up, and when his eyes inadvertently fell on the young man's left calf, he saw the dazzling scar at a glance.

Just as He Yang lowered his head and was about to ask, he found that the young man had his eyes closed and was already asleep.

When Qin Zhou woke up again, it was noon the next day.

There was still a warm chest on his back, and an extra pair of hands on his waist.

Qin Zhou frowned slightly, removed his hands on his waist, and sat up from the bed.

Qin Zhou stretched out his hand, took the mobile phone on the bedside table, unlocked it, and found that it was full of missed calls.

In addition to the call from the agent, there were also from Jiang Lin and Su Tang.

When Qin Zhou boarded WeChat, he saw that Su Tang had sent a lot of messages and kept urging him to catch the plane.

Originally, he and Su Tang planned to return this afternoon, but now it's a little too late.

Qin Zhou called Su Tang back and explained: \"Sister Su Su, I can't catch the plane, I won't go back today, I'll stay for a few more days.\"

Su Tang asked: \"Then are you alright? Yesterday I saw that you didn't come back, and Jiang Lin even found me here...\"

\"I slept in the hotel when I was drunk yesterday, and I just woke up now.\" Qin Zhou said, and saw his shirt being thrown on the floor again, so he leaned over and picked it up.

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