Chapter 72: found a substitute

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The room fell silent, and neither of them spoke again.

After a long time, Qin Zhou looked up and said unhurriedly: \"Mr. He, please let me go, I still have to work.\"

He Yang did not let go of his hand, and still circled the young man in a possessive posture, \"Then continue to make bed scenes with that person?\"

\"Or else?\" Qin Zhou chuckled briefly and tilted his head slightly.

Obviously He Yang is the gold owner, but Qin Zhou's attitude is even higher than He Yang.

It's like a gamble --

The gambler He Yang had already gambled all his chips, while Qin Zhou held a good hand and played casually.

In the end, He Yang still conceded defeat first.

\"Don't shoot.\" He Yang tightened his arms slightly, hugged the person in his arms tighter, and lowered his head to rest on his shoulders.

Qin Zhou said leisurely: \"I'm an actor, and it's normal to shoot **** scenes and kiss scenes.\"

\"This is my job, it's just acting.\" Qin Zhou turned his head slightly, just about to push the man in front of him away, suddenly his chin was tightly pinched.

Immediately afterwards, the warm breath leaned over and pressed his lips together.

Qin Zhou snorted and put his hands on the table, the hair crown on his head also fell, and his long hair was scattered.

And because Qin Zhou also drank alcohol before filming the bed scene, when He Yang kissed him, the mellow wine smell spread on the tip of his tongue.

Outside the set, Lin Chixiao was still sitting outside, watching the script and looking up at the lounge from time to time.

Lin Chixiao hesitated for a while, but went to the director's side and asked: \"Director, just now Qin Zhou——\"

The director interrupted: \"Don't ask, you just don't see anything.\"

Lin Chixiao nodded and had no choice but to continue reading the script.

He had seen that person twice before, both in Qin Zhou's room. The two seemed to be old acquaintances. Now that Qin Zhou was taken away by that person, it should be fine.

Lin Chixiao read the script, and the director was arranging the equipment next to him, and he didn't say whether to continue shooting.

After a long time, the door on the other side of the lounge was finally opened.

The director looked over there at once, and Lin Chixiao quickly raised his head.

In the lounge, a white figure came out.

It's just that Qin Zhou looks a little embarrassed now, all his hairstyles are messed up, his long hair is draped over his shoulders, and his clothes are in a mess, and he bows his head slightly.

Behind Qin Zhou, a tall man followed.

The suit jacket on the man is also a little wrinkled, and the tie is also a little messy.

After the two came out, no one paid any attention to the other.

Qin Zhou went directly to the dressing room, while He Yang walked towards the director.

The director got up quickly, moved a chair over, and said respectfully: \"Mr. He.\"

He Yang sat up and said unhurriedly: \"Script.\"

\"Okay!\" The director nodded, handed over the script, and looked at the other side secretly.

The man still looked indifferent, but there was an obvious bite mark on the corner of his mouth.

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