Chapter 3: Hejia

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On Friday, there was a rare bright sun outside.

He Yang brought Xu Chengyan back to the main house of the He family.

Six years ago, Father He had a car accident and never got better. He could only sit in a wheelchair and was not very conscious.

After He Yang took over the He family, he placed Father He in the old house to recuperate, and came back to visit once every two months.

The main house of the He family is slightly remote, in the suburbs.

When Xu Chengyan entered the courtyard of the main house, he saw a **** and white dog lying on the lawn basking in the sun.

Xu Chengyan shouted, "Qiqi!"

When the big dog, who was still basking in the sun, heard the sound, he immediately pricked up his ears, immediately straightened up and looked over, and immediately rushed towards Xu Chengyan.

Xu Chengyan squatted down slightly and hugged the big dog.

But because the big dog was so big, Xu Chengyan was hit by the big dog and collapsed on the lawn.

And the big dog pounced on Xu Chengyan and kept digging into Xu Chengyan's arms.

Xu Chengyan finally sat up straight and patted the big dog's head, "Did you gain weight again?"

The big dog was stupid, he just barked at Xu Chengyan a few times, and then continued to stick to Xu Chengyan's arms.

This big dog is the Alaskan Malamute raised by He Yang, and it has been kept in the main house.

It's just strange that Qiqi is not close to He Yang, the master, nor to the servants and housekeepers in the main house, but is the closest to Xu Chengyan.

Just like now, Qi Qi was completely stuck to Xu Chengyan and refused to let go.

He Yang entered the house first and asked the housekeeper, "Where's him?"

The housekeeper said quickly, "Master is in the rest room."

He Yang nodded and went upstairs first.

On the lawn in the yard, Xu Chengyan played with Qiqi to pick up Frisbee for a while, and was a little tired.

The energy of the Alaskan dog is really good, as if it will never be tired, full of energy.

But Xu Chengyan was out of strength and couldn't accompany him.

Xu Chengyan sat on the chair next to him and rested first, while Qiqi ran over with the frisbee in his mouth, put the frisbee in Xu Chengyan's hand, and shook his tail again.

Xu Chengyan reached out and rubbed Qiqi's head, and said in a low voice, "I have no strength, I'll play with you later."

Qiqi seemed to understand a little, and didn't pester Xu Chengyan to play games anymore, just sat quietly on the ground and put his head on Xu Chengyan's lap.

Xu Chengyan rubbed Qiqi's head to smoothen his hair, and because he stayed under the sun for so long, and played games with Qiqi, he was sweating a little.

So Xu Chengyan got up and walked towards the old house, ready to rest.

But when Xu Chengyan went upstairs, he heard a voice from the kitchen downstairs—

"Young Master He is in the room on the third floor, don't bother you."

"What's the matter? Wait until Young Master He comes down from the third floor."

Xu Chengyan glanced towards the kitchen and saw that the housekeeper was instructing the servants.

Xu Chengyan withdrew his gaze and went back to the room with Qiqi.

The room where he rests is on the second floor, while Mr.'s room is on the third master bedroom.

Mr.'s room is very mysterious, except for the necessary cleaning, no one is usually allowed to enter.

Every time Mr. returned to the main house, he would spend an afternoon alone in the master bedroom, and then he would come to the second floor to find him.

At the beginning, Xu Chengyan was also curious about what was in the master bedroom on the third floor and why he stayed all afternoon.

Later, I had more contact, and occasionally I heard some mentions from the servants in the house, and I knew that the things in the master bedroom were related to a person.

And Xu Chengyan also knew something about "that person".

That person is the young master from the next door, and the one that the husband liked before.

Young master and husband grew up together, childhood sweethearts without guessing, and they are also the right couple.

It was just that something happened to the young master's house later, and the matter became a bit big, so the young master had to go abroad to go to his relatives to avoid the limelight.

The husband and the young master have since separated.

Xu Chengyan stayed in the room alone, thinking about the young master and his husband, and was a little distracted for a while.

Suddenly, Xu Chengyan felt a fluffy touch on his arm, and when he looked down, he found that Qiqi was pulling his arm and got into his arms.

Animals are very sensitive to human emotions, and Qiqi noticed a little, so he used his big fluffy head to arch around in Xu Chengyan's arms.

Seeing Qiqi's silly appearance, Xu Chengyan eased a little, reached out and rubbed Qiqi's head, and said softly, "I'm fine."

Isn't it just a first love? it's common.

They are all adults, whether it's their first love or their ex, it's normal, and it's okay to fall in love if you want, not to mention that the husband and the young master were not together at that time.

These things are all memories of Mr.'s past, and things that have happened in the past cannot be changed.

He doesn't mind his husband's past, as long as he is by his side now.

Memories are always memories, only live in memories.

He doesn't mind.

Just a little bit sad.

Only a little bit.

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