Chapter 142: turn over old accounts

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Lips pressed together, warm breaths lingering on each other.

He Yang opened his eyes, raised his hand subconsciously, touched the young man's waist and hugged tightly, wanting to respond to the kiss.

However, before He Yang could go deeper, the person in front of him suddenly backed away and ended the kiss.

Xu Chengyan looked away and continued to look at the river. The expression on his face didn't seem to change, as if the person who took the initiative to kiss just now was not him.

He Yang looked at the person next to him, with a smile in his eyes, and shouted: \"Yanyan.\"

Xu Chengyan responded very naturally, looked at He Yang, and asked in a natural tone: \"What's wrong?\"

He Yang didn't speak, just pressed the back of the young man's head and slowly approached, wanting to kiss.

Xu Chengyan shrank, pushed He Yang's shoulders, and reminded: \"Don't kiss outside.\"

He Yang did not stop and continued to approach.

However, He Yang restrained a little bit, instead of kissing his lips, he kissed on the forehead and hugged the person in his arms.

Xu Chengyan leaned on He Yang's shoulder, hugged the man in front of him, hugged tightly, and could feel his heart beating faster and faster.

It was already night, and the wind outside was getting stronger and stronger, making the clothes rustle.

Xu Chengyan only wore a long sleeve and a coat, which was considered to be very little, but at this moment, he could not feel the cold, and his body was automatically hot.

As if he had a fever, the body began to heat up from the inside out, and the heart that was beating violently in the chest never calmed down.

The two hugged for a while on the bridge before releasing.

However, He Yang still held the young man's hand tightly and asked again: \"Go back?\"

Xu Chengyan nodded, and the two returned to the hotel first.

When he went back, He Yang also held Xu Chengyan's hand tightly, all the way back to the hotel and into the elevator.

The two of them didn't say a word, they just occasionally looked at each other inadvertently, and then quickly separated.

When the two of them returned to the hotel room, and they didn't even have time to enter the bedroom, He Yang directly pushed the person against the wall and kissed them heavily.

He Yang's palm was still on the back of the young man's head, while biting on his lips in a rough manner.

This time the kiss was more intense than the previous few times. He Yang seemed to be out of control. The tip of his tongue continued to penetrate, and his other hand unknowingly reached into the hem of the young man's clothes.

Xu Chengyan raised his head, the small whimper gradually disappeared between his lips, he was speechless, and the tip of his tongue was numb.

In addition to his lips being blocked, He Yang's hands were still bumping around on him, his body suddenly softened, and he hung weakly on the man.

Taking advantage of the time to breathe in the middle, Xu Chengyan lay on He Yang's shoulder and panted, his face was already red.

He Yang put his arms around the person in his arms, and habitually touched the young man's face with the other hand, and said in a low voice: \"Yanyan, I told you last time that my self-control is not good.\"

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