Chapter 6: old album

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During the weekend, Xu Chengyan received a call.

"Sister-in-law! I'm back! Come and pick me up!" The voice on the other end of the phone was a little excited.

Xu Chengyan asked, "When will you arrive?"

"Just this afternoon! Two or three o'clock!"

"So soon?" Xu Chengyan was a little surprised, "Why didn't you say it in advance?"

"I want to surprise my sister-in-law and eldest brother!" The opposite side smiled.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Chengyan went to the study first to find Mr.

He Yang was leaning on the sofa, looking at an old photo album.

But when Xu Chengyan came in, He Yang closed the album and put it aside.

Xu Chengyan glanced at the album, he knew that sometimes the husband would stay alone in the study and flip through the album, which seemed to be a very important thing.

Xu Chengyan walked over and said, "Sir, Jiang Lin is coming back, the plane is in the afternoon."

Jiang Lin was He Yang's cousin. He was studying in a university abroad, and would only come back when he was on vacation occasionally.

"This afternoon?" He Yang raised his head.

"Well." Xu Chengyan said, "Sir, do you want to pick him up together?"

He Yang responded.

Xu Chengyan also went back to the bedroom first, ready to change clothes.

But when Xu Chengyan was about to undress, He Yang came in.

He Yang stood at the door of the locker room and looked at the young man in front of him.

The young man was naked, with a long sleeve in his hand, which he hadn't had time to put on.

He Yang walked over and suddenly said, "Change another one."

He Yang came to the closet again, slowly selected, and took out a white shirt from it.

In addition to the shirt, He Yang also picked out a sweater, a coat, and even a scarf.

Xu Chengyan was a little helpless, took the clothes from the man and put them on obediently.

Most of the clothes in the closet were bought for him by the husband, and they were all styles that the husband personally picked.

The husband likes to help him choose clothes, and even matches a whole set directly, and then asks him to change it.

Sometimes he just feels like a doll, and Mr. is the one who dresses the doll.

But he doesn't mind, as long as the husband likes it.

After changing clothes and wearing a scarf, Xu Chengyan saw the man handing over a bottle of perfume—

It is a snowy forest.

Xu Chengyan took the perfume and used it on his body.

He knew that the husband had never used perfume, but he liked to give him perfume, and the cabinet was already full.

And recently, Mr. seems to like this snow season forest.

After Xu Chengyan finished packing, he went to the airport with He Yang.

After three o'clock, Xu Chengyan saw Jiang Lin in the crowd at a glance.

Jiang Lin was two years younger than Xu Chengyan, and because he had a baby face, he looked even more tender.

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