Chapter 37: G

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Jiang Lin noticed his gaffe and quickly let go, "I'm sorry..."

"Maybe it's the first time I've hugged an idol, so I'm a little excited..." Jiang Lin raised his hand and wiped the corner of his eyes, bowing his head at a loss like a child who did something wrong.

"It's okay." Qin Zhou smiled gently, turned around and went out first.

Jiang Lin came to the door and saw Qin Zhou going to the shed to film.

Jiang Lin looked at Qin Zhou's figure and suddenly felt at ease.

so good.

There are still people in this world who look exactly like my sister-in-law, and they are living a good life.

Jiang Lin stayed in the crew for a long time, and did not leave until Qin Zhou's filming was over.

In the evening, Jiang Lin stayed in the hotel next to the Studio City.

Maybe it was because he saw Qin Zhou who looked exactly like his sister-in-law during the day, so at night, he dreamed of his sister-in-law again.

Sister-in-law was still trapped in the car covered in blood and reached out to him for help.

Jiang Lin rushed forward and ran desperately in the direction of the car.

It's just that the road in the dream is extraordinarily long, as if it will never run in front of the car, it's always a little short.

He has dreamed this dream countless times, but every time he misses the call for help, he can only watch the people in the car get burned to death bit by bit.

Repeated this dream again and again, and dreamed again and again that his sister-in-law died in front of him.

But Jiang Lin continued to run, trying to change the ending in his dream.

The car was still burning, Jiang Lin rushed into the fire, looked at the hand sticking out from the car window, and quickly reached out.

And this time, Jiang Lin finally held that hand, quickly rescued his sister-in-law from the car, and hugged tightly—

At this moment, Jiang Lin suddenly woke up.

It was pitch black all around, and Jiang Lin still hadn't recovered from the dream, immersed in the emotions of the dream.

Also aware of the coldness on his face, Jiang Lin raised his hand and touched it, only to realize that his face was full of tears at some point.

Jiang Lin wiped away his tears, but the tears grew more and more and couldn't stop.

But Jiang Lin didn't feel sad at all, and he still had a smile on his face.

He was so happy that he finally rescued his sister-in-law in his dream.

His sister-in-law forgave him.

After returning from the film and television city, Jiang Lin went to see Dr. Yuan again.

Dr. Yuan asked, "You're in a good mood?"

"Well." Jiang Lin nodded, unable to hide the smile on his face.

"What happened to be happy?"

Jiang Lin: "I don't have nightmares anymore!"

Dr. Yuan still remembered Jiang Lin's nightmare, and nodded with a smile, "That's good."

Doctor Yuan: "Nightmare affects sleep, so you can rest well in the future."

"Actually, to be precise, I still dream of car accidents..." Jiang Lin thought about it and said, "It's just that now, I can save the people in the car."

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