Chapter 41: new play

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After Jiang Lin got the invitation letter, he went to the crew to visit the class again.

"Birth banquet?" Qin Zhou took a look at the invitation and found that it was their company boss's birthday banquet in March next year.

"I've read the list, and many big directors will also go!" Jiang Lin was very excited, and he leaned over and said, "Maybe after I go, which big director will be interested in!"

"In Nancheng..." Qin Zhou looked at the banquet venue and said with a smile: "Even if you go, you may not have the chance to talk to the director."

"Brother Zhou, let's go together! It's okay to go for a while." Jiang Lin urged.

"Then I will tell the manager when the time comes." Qin Zhou should still come down.


Qin Zhou rubbed the invitation letter and said, "Jiang Lin, you don't need to help me with so much."

"It's okay!" Jiang Lin smirked.

Qin Zhou couldn't help rubbing Jiang Lin's head again, so he went to film first.

The crew continued to film until the evening, and when Qin Zhou returned to the hotel, it was already past twelve o'clock.

Qin Zhou took out the room card and came to the room, and saw a figure sitting in his room.

A man in his thirties or forties sat lazily on a chair, smoking and playing with his mobile phone.

Qin Zhou walked over: "Why is Brother Zheng here?"

The manager looked over, put out the cigarette **** in the ashtray, and said casually, "Come and see you and Susu."

"Well." Qin Zhou responded, came to the table, and began to remove his makeup.

The room fell silent, and neither of them spoke for a while.

The relationship between Qin Zhou and the manager is very general. The manager has a lot of artists and can't control everyone. Therefore, some low-level actors are in the stocking mode.

Just like Qin Zhou and Su Tang, they were both stocked. The agent rarely cares, and only asks a few questions when he thinks of it occasionally.

After a long time, the agent said, "How did you think about what I told you last time?"

Qin Zhou didn't say anything and continued to remove his makeup.

The agent said casually: "Boss Jin lacks someone around him, so he likes your type."

Qin Zhou finished removing his eye makeup, then looked over and replied, "Brother Zheng, I'm doing fine now."

"Aren't you short of money?" The agent squinted and tapped with his fingertips on the table.

Qin Zhou said lightly: "It's okay now."

The agent didn't push him, he just said, "I don't know what you guys think, neither of you are willing."

"I figured it out in the end, but I didn't run back to beg me one by one in the end." The agent's tone was a little sarcastic.

Qin Zhou ignored it and pretended he didn't hear it.

"Of course, this is your own business, and I won't force you." The agent got up and said casually, "I brought you out of that shabby village, and there is an old man to support, and you definitely don't want to go back. those days?"

After speaking, the agent turned around and left.

After the agent left, the little assistant who stayed in the corner of the room was relieved, and quickly got close to Qin Zhou and whispered, "Brother Zhou..."

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