Chapter 183: Mr. He, an outsider

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Xu Chengyan held He Yang's hand and took a photo of the sapphire ring on the two's ring fingers.

Click into Weibo, Xu Chengyan edited the text content.

[Qin Zhou: Because of Mr. He's visit to the class recently, there were some misunderstandings. To clarify, Mr. He and I are married and legally husband-and-wife relationship. Mr. He is an outsider in the circle, and I hope that the media reporters and friends will not be disturbed too much. 】

When it was about to be released, Xu Chengyan suddenly realized that he didn't know He Yang's Weibo, so he asked, "Do you have a Weibo? I follow you."

He Yang fell silent, and after a while he replied, "Does the company's Weibo count?"

"Alright." Xu Chengyan followed He Yang's company Weibo, "Then I posted it, remember to forward it."


Xu Chengyan posted on Weibo with two photos, one was the wedding ring photo just taken, and the other was a photo of them wearing best man clothes before.

At that time, they were attending Jiang Lin's wedding and asked the wedding photographer to help take some group photos. I didn't expect that these photos would come in handy one day.

After the Weibo was released, Xu Chengyan sent a message to the agent, reminding him to criticize.

When Xu Chengyan finished posting the news and then switched back to Weibo, a lot of comments had already popped up.

【Mr. He? ? ? Is that the "He" I understand? ? ? 】

【Married? ! Didn't you announce your romance a few days ago? Why are you married today! ! 】

【Is this reversed? ? ? ? ? 】

Soon, the official blogs of various companies under the He family reposted Weibo——

【Happy Newlyweds Boss~】

In addition to the official blogs of large and small companies, the official blog of KL Jewelry has also been forwarded.

[Happy Newlyweds ~ "Eternal Love" witnessed the relationship between Mr. He and Mr. Qin, blessings~]

The public opinion reversed again, and the topic instantly rushed to the top of the hot search.

【#Qinzhou is married#You guys watch the interview that day! At that time, Qin Zhou didn't say he was a boyfriend at all! Just say the feeling is good! 】

【#Qin Zhou is married# So this is me cheating on myself? I'll be my husband's mistress? ? ? 】

[#Qin Zhou is married# This is the most exciting melon I've ever eaten, the actor's little three, a wealthy family secret, married and cheating... It's lonely after eating melons for a long time! 】

[#Qinzhou is married# laughed to death, those who swore before scolding the mistress and said that Qin Zhou was not worthy of the rich and powerful Heizi? Keep your dog's eyes wide open! get married! 】

The public relations department quickly came to an end, controlled public opinion, and issued a press release.

Xu Chengyan glanced at the comments on Weibo, and after confirming that there was no problem, he was too lazy to read Weibo, and fell asleep.

After a good night's sleep and waking up, Xu Chengyan got up early to go to the studio as usual.

This time it was still He Yang who sent Xu Chengyan over.

It's just a little different today. When the two came to the film and television city, there were reporters everywhere.

The reporter squatted near the film and television city, trying to get fresh news.

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