Chapter 151: Try a few more times

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Fortunately, the light on the balcony was dim, and another layer of tablecloth was placed on the table, and the edge of the tablecloth hung down, so no one noticed Xu Chengyan's small movements.

Xu Chengyan leaned back lazily on the back of the chair, slowly shaking the wine glass, but the toe of his shoe rubbed against the man's ankle, rubbing it on purpose.

The toe of the shoe rubbed against the man's ankle, and then slowly moved upward, rubbing up along the man's calf, touching it vaguely.

He Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his glass and drank, diverting his attention.

It's just that the young man's small movements continued, He Yang was hooked for a while and couldn't help but looked at the young man.

At this time, the young man was sitting lazily, and it seemed to be because of drinking, his face was flushed, and he looked extra provocative.

On the table, Xiao Huadan finally picked up the dessert slowly and sat back to her seat.

But even when she sat back in her seat, the chest of Xiaohuadan's dress was still a little loose, and most of it was about to be exposed.

Xu Chengyan also put down the wine glass, got up, and smiled: \"You guys talk, I'll go over first.\"

After speaking, Xu Chengyan walked directly outside and left the balcony.

Xu Chengyan passed through the banquet hall and came to the temporary lounge on the first floor.

Xu Chengyan found an empty room, took out his mobile phone and saw the news from He Yang.

【He Yang: Where? 】

Xu Chengyan sent the room number, then sat on the sofa and waited slowly.

Soon, there was the sound of hurried footsteps outside.

Then, the door was pushed open, and a figure walked in.

He Yang closed the door, locked it directly, then walked towards the sofa, pressed the young man on the sofa, and kissed him.

The youth's lips were soft, with a hint of red wine.

He Yang held the tip of his tongue and slowly went in, teasing the person in his arms.

After the kiss, He Yang buried himself in the neck of the young man, breathing heavily, \"Yanyan...\"

He Yang turned his head to the side, touched the youth's face, and asked, "When did you come to Xicheng?"

Xu Chengyan wrapped his arms around the man's neck and replied: \"Last night.\"

\"Why didn't you tell me? I'll pick you up.\"

\"Do you want to say more?\" Xu Chengyan let out a short low laugh, \"I think you are having a good time here alone.\"

Xu Chengyan touched the back of the man's head and rubbed it, and said slowly: \"There are so many beautiful and handsome men around me, and I am not lacking alone.\"

\"No one else.\" He Yang rubbed his face close to his face, very affectionately, and explained: \"You are the only one.\"

He Yang kissed his lips again, and penetrated deep between the lips.

The mellow aroma of red wine spread on the tip of his tongue, He Yang couldn't help kissing harder and harder, he reached into the young man's dress with one hand, pulled out the hem of his shirt, and put it in from underneath.

Xu Chengyan snorted and pushed He Yang's shoulder, \"Don't press me, it's uncomfortable.\"

He Yang stopped kissing and withdrew his groping hand.

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