Chapter 51: You are not Qin Zhou

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When Qin Zhou returned to the hotel, it was very late.

The phone is full of unread messages, all of which are friends asking him about the vase.

Qin Zhou flipped through the list, and it happened that Su Tang also sent a message asking about it, so he called Su Tang directly.

As soon as the call was connected, Su Tang quickly asked: \"Are you okay? I heard that you offended Mr. He?\"

\"Even you know? The news spread so fast?\" Qin Zhou was a little surprised.

\"The group is talking about such a big thing today...\" Su Tang muttered and asked: \"You really broke Mr. He's antiques?\"

Qin Zhou explained: \"I didn't do it, I didn't know why I fell, and it just fell right next to me.\"

He obviously didn't break the vase, but he really couldn't explain it, after all, the vase fell next to it.

\"They all said it was the vase you dropped.\"Su Tang sighed, \"Is that vase finally resolved?\"

\"Already lost one.\"

\"Is the vase expensive?\"

\"It's not bad.\"

Su Tang only thought that the vase was not expensive, so she felt relieved, and said: \"But you offended Mr. He this time, and the promotional video couldn't be made. They all said you were going to be hidden in the snow...\"

Qin Zhou: \"I'll think of a way.\"

If it is really hidden by the company, there is no way.

Today it is indeed because of him that the promotional film was not made.

\"Then see if you can have a good talk with Brother Zheng, beg for mercy or something.\" Su Tang urged on the other end of the phone for a while.

\"Okay.\" Qin Zhou should come down.

The next morning, Qin Zhou received a call from his agent, asking him to come to the company headquarters now.

Qin Zhou packed up and went to the company.

The agent was already waiting on the first floor, and when he saw Qin Zhou coming, he took Qin Zhou upstairs.

Qin Zhou entered the elevator and looked at the agent beside him.

The manager's response has been very dull, and he didn't ask him what happened at the Hejia Manor yesterday.

After the elevator reached the floor, Brother Zheng brought Qin Zhou to the office and said: \"Mr. Yuan is looking for you.\"

Qin Zhou was stunned for a moment, but he stepped forward and knocked on the door.

After hearing the answer from inside, Qin Zhou walked in and saw the young man sitting in the office.

Yuan Lie sat at the desk with a lazy expression, looking at the figure at the door with a half-smile.

Qin Zhou came over and respectfully shouted: \"Mr. Yuan.\"

Yuan Lie looked at the young man in front of him, and said lightly: \"Sit.\"

Qin Zhou sat in the chair and guessed that President Yuan was looking for him, which should be related to what happened yesterday.

Yuan Lie: \"I already know what happened yesterday.\"

\"Sorry.\"Qin Zhou lowered his head, \"I will be responsible for what happened yesterday.\"

\"Don't be nervous.\" Yuan Lie laughed, \"I came to you today, not to talk about this.\"

Yuan Lie's attitude was very relaxed, as if he was just chatting with friends, and said casually: \"You should already know He Yang, right?\"

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