Chapter 56: He Shao, do you want to drink?

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However, before the new song was released, Qin Zhou received a call from the hospital, and his grandmother's condition deteriorated.

Qin Zhou rushed to the hospital and quickly found a doctor.

Doctor: \"The patient's condition has deteriorated and surgery is required as soon as possible.\"

Qin Zhou listened to the doctor's words, lowered his eyes, and did not speak.

The cost of surgery and follow-up treatment add up to at least several hundred thousand.

But he doesn't have that much money.

Qin Zhou came out of the hospital alone, sat on the lounge chair, took out his mobile phone, and called his agent.

Qin Zhou asked: \"Brother Zheng, is there any activity recently?\"

\"Didn't I send you the schedule?\" Brother Zheng was very casual.

Qin Zhou rubbed his eyebrows.

The agent did send the schedule, but he didn't have a job for a short period of time. The last commercial performance was three months later.

\"Brother Zheng, I'm free now, I have to wait for three months.\"Qin Zhou frowned, \"Brother Zheng, can I pick up jobs recently? I can pick up anything.\"


Qin Zhou was silent for a while, and then asked again: \"Brother Zheng, is there any result for the audition video I recorded last time?\"

\"I haven't sent it yet, I will send it to you when I have time.\"The agent was a little careless.

Qin Zhou frowned and reminded: \"Brother Zheng, this video has been delayed for a long time.\"

\"It's just an audition video, you can't pass it if you vote.\" The agent's tone became impatient, and he hurriedly said: \"I still have something to do, I'll talk about it next time.\"

The broker just hung up the phone.

Qin Zhou sat outside alone for a long time, and finally got up and went back to the hospital.

Qin Zhou came to the ward and lay beside the bed, guarding his grandmother.

Grandma had already slept, and the opera was still playing on the radio next to her.

Qin Zhou took the radio and turned the volume down a little.

And just when Qin Zhou put the radio back in place, he suddenly noticed that the old man on the bed had woken up.

Qin Zhou leaned over, \"Grandma.\"

It's just that the old man's consciousness is not very clear. He stretched out his hand and groped in the air, grabbed Qin Zhou's arm hard, and shouted: \"Xiaozhou...\"

Qin Zhou held the old man's hand and replied: \"Grandma, I'm here.\"

The old man held that hand tightly and muttered: \"Eat candy...\"

The old man leaned forward again and wanted to go to the drawer to get the **** candy for Qin Zhou.

Qin Zhou hurriedly supported the old man and said: \"Grandma rest first, I will get anything you want.\"

\" candy...\" The old man kept staring in the direction of the drawer.

Qin Zhou opened the drawer, and sure enough, he saw a packet of **** candy inside.

Qin Zhou took out the package of **** candy and handed it to grandma.

The old man didn't take it, he just held Qin Zhou's wrist and said: \"Xiaozhou eats candy...\"

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