Chapter 97: It's Mr. Pei

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But soon, Qin Zhou closed his eyes and fainted again.

When Qin Zhou regained consciousness, he was already in the hospital.

Qin Zhou opened his eyes blankly and tried to move his body. When he looked to the side, he saw that the manager and assistant were still standing by the bed.

Seeing that Qin Zhou was awake, the assistant quickly leaned over, helped Qin Zhou up, and poured a cup of hot water.

Qin Zhou leaned on the bed and drank the hot water slowly.

However, his head was still a little dizzy. Qin Zhou rubbed his forehead and asked his assistant to come to the phone, and he saw a lot of unread messages.

The assistant asked, "Brother Zhou, are you feeling better?"

"It's not bad."

"Director He said he was investigating the fire." The assistant said, "It seems that someone set the fire on purpose."

"Deliberately set fire?" Qin Zhou was a little surprised.

"I'm still investigating." The assistant was a little fortunate. "I heard that the fire on the third floor was the worst. Fortunately, Mr. Pei helped yesterday..."

Qin Zhou was stunned for a moment and remembered what happened yesterday.

At that time, there was smoke everywhere in the fire, and he couldn't see anything inside. Someone brought him down from the upstairs and helped him block the wood.

"The fire thing is still on the hot search." The assistant sighed.

Qin Zhou also posted on Weibo and saw the hot search.

[#Jianghu crew was set on fire# A fire broke out in the lounge, it is suspected that the crew deliberately set fire to it]

There are a lot of relevant news on the hot search, as well as some live videos and so on.

[#Jianghu crew was set on fire# I hope the crew is okay! Thank you Mr. Pei Yuan! Always helping save lives! 】

[#Jianghu crew was set on fire# After watching the live video, Mr. Pei Yuan was really kind, calmly instructing everyone to evacuate, and saved a lot of people! 】

[#Jianghu crew was set on fire# Thank you so much! Thanks to Teacher Pei Yuan for helping to save Qin Zhou! 】

Qin Zhou flipped through the pages, and many Weibo posts were mentioning Pei Yuan's rescue, and there were many photos and live videos in the back.

Qin Zhou clicked on a video and saw Pei Yuan helping a wounded person out, and then returned to the fire without hesitation to help.

There are also some staff nearby who are putting out the fire, or entering the fire to help save people or something.

More than a minute after the video, Pei Yuan came out of the fire with a person still in his arms.

The man was wearing a red robe, and Qin Zhou immediately recognized it as himself.

Qin Zhou continued to look back at the video, but this video only showed Pei Yuan holding him out, and there was no more after that.

Qin Zhou thought about it, and then watched the video again, dragged the progress bar to the scene where Pei Yuan took him out of the fire, and pressed pause.

In the video, Pei Yuan was wearing private clothes. He should have just arrived at the crew and hadn't changed his clothes. He was wearing a watch on his left hand.

Qin Zhou stared at the watch for a while, thinking that when he was in the fire yesterday, he also touched the watch on that person's hand.

Qin Zhou stared at the watch in Pei Yuan's hand carefully, slightly puzzled.

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