Chapter 93: bloody storm

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Before Qin Zhou officially joined the group "Jianghu", the first issue of the variety show "Fifteen Days" came out.

The trailer for the first episode was a gimmick, and specially used graffiti to block the scene of Pei Yuan's appearance, and then cut in the surprised expression of the guests when they saw Pei Yuan, maintaining a sense of mystery.

However, some fans already know that the mysterious guest is Pei Yuan, and they still cooperate with the show team to keep the secret.

When the first episode was officially broadcast, Qin Zhou also took the time to go to the website to watch it.

The first issue begins with a shot of each guest going to the Netherlands.

Qin Zhou looked at it, probably because he was recording this type of variety show for the first time and had little experience. At that time, he did not perform well in front of the camera, so there were not many scenes that were cut in later.

In the early stage, there were relatively few barrages, and they all discussed the Dutch landscape.

Until Pei Yuan came on stage, the screen was swiped.

【Pei Yuan male god! ! ! I love Bae Yuan! ! ! 】

[I haven't seen Pei Yuan for a long time! rush rush! 】

[Report from Pei Yuan's wife fan! Why is my husband so handsome! 】

The screen is full of fans' confessions. Qin Zhou looked at the man on the screen, but he didn't feel anything special.

Although he has seen all of Pei Yuan's works, he doesn't chase stars, and he still doesn't have that kind of fanatical liking for Pei Yuan.

The variety show continues.

The host asked the guests to draw lots, and it happened that Qin Zhou and Pei Yuan were in a group.

【Ahhh! My new favorite wall head and my true love male **** are a group! Double powder is complete! 】

【Envy! I also want to team up with the male god! 】

Qin Zhou sat in front of the computer and watched the first half of the variety show. He felt that his performance was quite satisfactory, and the program team did not edit maliciously.

In the second half of the variety show, it was the home ground for him and Pei Yuan.

It may be because Pei Yuan's popularity is large, so he gave Pei Yuan a lot of shots during the later editing, and even more shots with him.

The task is that he and Pei Yuan cook Chinese food, and he goes to collect the tastes of other guests.

Just when he went to ask about the taste, the later part of the show added a line of small characters next to it——

[Qin Zhou asked everyone, but forgot Teacher Pei? 】

As soon as the screen changed, he came to the kitchen and was reporting to Pei Yuan.

\"Mr. Li doesn't eat chili peppers, Brother Wang doesn't eat Chinese peppercorns, Sister Xiangxiang wants to eat French fries...Mr. Pei doesn't eat chives.\"

The later group of the show also added subtitles next to it——

[It turns out that Qin Zhou remembers Teacher Pei's taste! 】

After the first episode of the variety show aired, there was also a discussion about the matter on Weibo, which soon became a hot search.

[# Pei Yuan doesn't eat chives# I also remember it! God Pei does not eat chives! 】

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