Chapter 14: ten years ago

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Xu Chengyan listened, but smiled politely, and said gently, "The smell of smoke in the bar is quite strong."

Chi Yi leaned on the back of the chair and said casually, "Indeed, Xiu Zhu's health is not yet healthy, so it's not appropriate to go to the bar."

Shen Xiuzhu smiled gently, "It's okay, the doctor said recently that you're in better shape, and it's fine to go to the bar."

Someone in the box immediately disapproved and said, "That's not good either. We are fine if we don't drink. If you have a problem, that's not good."

"That's it! It's the same in a teahouse!"

Xu Chengyan held the teacup and listened to the surrounding voices, and suddenly felt that he seemed a little redundant.

He has been with his husband for five years, but in five years, he has not been able to make his friends accept him.

Every time, he could vaguely feel the exclusion of those people, and the slight ridicule.

He also tried hard, but found that no matter how hard he tried, people who hated him would always hate him.

He didn't come from such a good background, and sometimes he couldn't understand the topics discussed by the rich second generation.

But Shen Xiuzhu was different from him.

The young master of the Shen family grew up with his husband since he was a child, and they all belonged to the same class circle.

The young master who was pampered and grew up is liked by everyone around him.

The gap between him and the young master is really too big.

It's like cheap and low-quality copycats on the roadside, and exquisite genuine products in the counter.

Xu Chengyan drank black tea and let himself calm down first.

Mr. is still here, he can't lose his temper.

And the others in the box were still talking about Shen Xiuzhu's ill health.

"If it wasn't for the kidnapping, Xiuzhu's body wouldn't be like this..."

"Okay, don't mention it." Someone next to him interrupted.

For a time, the atmosphere in the box suddenly became a little weird, and no one spoke again.

Also because of the mention of kidnapping, the others looked at He Yang and Shen Xiuzhu unknowingly.

He Yang didn't react, just got up and said lightly, "Go back."

Seeing that Mr. Xu was leaving, Xu Chengyan also got up to leave.

And at this moment, not far away, Shen Xiuzhu leaned over slightly and took a tea cup from the table.

For a moment, Xu Chengyan smelled the cold scent of cedarwood on Shen Xiuzhu—

Snow season forest.

Xu Chengyan was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted and left behind the man.

The car was parked outside the restaurant, Xu Chengyan just took out the car keys when he saw the man reaching out.

He Yang: "I'll open it."

Xu Chengyan handed over the car keys and sat in the passenger seat, feeling a little tired.

Xu Chengyan closed his eyes and fell asleep unconsciously.

When he was in a daze, Xu Chengyan felt the car stop and thought he had arrived home, but when he looked out the window, he found that it was still outside.

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