Chapter 122: compensated

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Seeing this timetable, Xu Chengyan couldn't help laughing, and asked, "Why do you even have to drink milk?"

He Yang leaned lazily by the sofa, bowed his head slightly, and looked at the young man.

The young man was still smiling, with a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes curled up and shining brightly.

\"The doctor recommends a glass of milk before going to bed.\" He Yang glanced at his watch and reminded: \"You can rest for ten minutes and eat on time.\"

Xu Chengyan responded: \"I see, Uncle He Yang.\"

When speaking, Xu Chengyan deliberately emphasized the word "uncle".

He Yang wasn't angry either, and held back his smile: \"Children, be more obedient.\"

Xu Chengyan was really speechless, and continued to play with his phone on the sofa.

Not far away, the big dog ran over with a Frisbee toy in its mouth.

The big dog leaned over to the sofa, cupped the young man's arm with his head, and wanted to play a game.

Xu Chengyan stretched out his hand, rubbed Qiqi's head a few times habitually, and took the Frisbee toy.

It's just that this Frisbee has been deformed by Qiqi's bite, so Xu Chengyan asked: \"Is there any other Frisbee? This one is broken.\"

He Yang looked over and replied: \"There is still a utility room.\"

Xu Chengyan nodded, got up and walked towards the utility room, preparing to get Qiqi a new toy.

Qiqi saw it, and followed behind the youth, and went over together.

Xu Chengyan came to the room skillfully and glanced around.

The furnishings in the utility room are a little different from the original. There are many cardboard boxes inside, neatly stacked on top of each other and placed on the wall.

The hoarded cardboard boxes take up almost half the room and look like a small warehouse.

Xu Chengyan still remembered that Qiqi's toys were usually kept in the storage cabinet, so he searched the room and finally found the storage cabinet in the corner.

Xu Chengyan opened the storage cabinet and took out a new Frisbee toy.

And when Xu Chengyan turned around, he saw that Qiqi had already run to the nearest cardboard box and was pulling on it.

Xu Chengyan walked over and noticed that the seal of the cardboard box had been removed.

Qiqi was still stretching his claws, and he had rubbed the top of the carton a little to reveal the contents.

Just as Xu Chengyan was about to pull Kiki back, he suddenly glanced at the packaging box exposed in the cardboard box, and was stunned for a moment.

Xu Chengyan stretched out his hand, opened the box a little, and saw that it was full of gift boxes.

The packaging of this gift box is still very familiar, Xu Chengyan immediately recognized it as a perfume gift box——

Before he endorsed, is the full moon series of perfumes.

Xu Chengyan looked to the side again, and saw that all around were identical cardboard boxes, even the seals had not been removed.

This utility room is full of boxes of perfume.

At this moment, Xu Chengyan heard footsteps from the corridor.

Xu Chengyan raised his head and looked towards the door when he saw He Yang.

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