Chapter 113: Missed

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There is still time before the ceremony begins.

Qin Zhou stayed in his seat quietly, in a very calm mood.

Director Wang sat next to Qin Zhou, and the smile on his face never stopped.

This time, "Pear Garden" has been shortlisted for several awards. If you are lucky, you should be able to go back with a trophy.

Director Wang looked at Qin Zhou next to him again and noticed that Qin Zhou's expression was very dull, so he asked: \"Are you nervous?\"

Qin Zhou smiled, not too obsessed with winning awards or anything, but still nodded cooperatively: \"A bit.\"

Qin Zhou rested on the back of his chair and waited for the opening.

Soon, the lights in the venue gradually dimmed, and the awards ceremony officially started.

To Qin Zhou's surprise, this year's guest of honor was Pei Yuan.

Pei originally came to the stage and started to publish the list of winners according to the process.

Qin Zhou listened to the list in the audience, applauded with others, and congratulated the winning crew.

And "Pear Garden" also successfully won three trophies in a row, and Director Wang kept smiling all the time.

Before you know it, the best actor has arrived.

Pei Yuan opened the envelope and glanced at the list, \"The best actor is—\"

Offstage, Qin Zhou was still very calm and didn't care much about the outcome.

Remembering what the agent said again, Qin Zhou still had a smile on his face, ready to congratulate the others.

Pei Yuan raised his head and said slowly: \"Liyuan, Qin Zhou.\"

There was applause from the audience, and the camera quickly cut to Qin Zhou.

Qin Zhou was stunned for a second, and then he realized that he had won the award.

Qin Zhou got up, came to the stage, and took the trophy from Pei Yuan.

The trophy is very thick, Qin Zhou holding the trophy, standing in the spotlight, there is still some unreal feeling.

Qin Zhou looked at the camera and smiled: \"Thanks to everyone in the crew, thank you-\"

After the award ceremony, Qin Zhou came to the backstage.

\"Come here! The big actor is here!\"

\"Congratulations to our great actor!\"

A group of people surrounded Qin Zhou and coaxed, and they wanted to take a photo with Qin Zhou or something.

The backstage was crowded with people, and even the corridors were full of people, chatting with each other together, which was very lively.

At the end of the corridor, a figure stood alone by the window, looking at the night view of the garden outside.

Yuan Lie came over, stood beside the man, and asked: \"Can't you come over to congratulate?\"

He Yang turned his head slightly, and when he looked at the backstage, he saw the young people in the crowd at a glance.

The young man still had a gentle smile on his face, holding the trophy and taking pictures with others.

He Yang retracted his gaze, looked out the window, and said in a low voice: \"No need.\"

Yuan Lie looked at the man beside him and observed the expression on the man's face.

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