Chapter 105: Wen has a cold

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Qin Zhou stayed in the lounge and practiced opera with the opera teacher.

The male protagonist he plays is the pillar of the troupe, and there are a few scenes where he wants to sing.

And because the time was relatively short, he took the script temporarily for emergency help, and it was too late to go to learn the opera, so the director temporarily invited an opera teacher to come over to guide him, and then he would repair the sound later.

Qin Zhou practiced for a while, and when he came out of the lounge to breathe, he saw the stray cat from yesterday.

This time, the stray cat was still squatting in the corner outside the lounge, staring at the people coming and going.

Qin Zhou walked over to take a look, then turned back to the lounge, took out a ham sausage from the snacks on the table, and found a clean disposable lunch box.

After cutting the ham, Qin Zhou put the lunch box in front of the stray cat.

The stray cat came over to sniff it, lowered its head and started to eat.

Qin Zhou stood beside him, looking at the stray cat carefully.

The kitten's body is cleaner than yesterday, and the hair is well groomed. It doesn't look like a stray cat, but it is probably domestic.

The kitten is still obediently bowing its head to eat ham, with brown-yellow hair and some gray-brown lines on it——

Like a little leopard.

Qin Zhou touched the kitten's head, turned around and went back to the lounge first.

More than half an hour before the end of the filming, Qin Zhou sorted out the accessories on his head in front of the mirror, and placed a small fur ball on the chair next to him.

But when Qin Zhou finished tidying up his headdress and inadvertently lowered his head, he suddenly saw a kitten beside him.

The kitten slipped in at some point, and climbed onto the chair, playing with the little fur ball with its paws outstretched.

The kitten looked up, hugged the furball with two small paws, and called to Qin Zhou: \"Meow~\"

The kitten seems to use the furball as a toy and wants to take it away.

However, Qin Zhou was a little worried that the kitten would accidentally eat the hairball, so he took the hairball out of the kitten's arms and put it on the table.

The kitten was still squatting on the chair, staring at the furball on the table.

Qin Zhou touched the kitten's head again, but still said: \"I can't play.\"

Qin Zhou got up and went to the side shelf to look over it, ready to look for toys suitable for kittens.

But when Qin Zhou turned around, he saw that the kitten on the chair disappeared, as if it had already left.

Even the little fur ball on the table disappeared.

The kitten returned to the Qi family compound with the hairball in its mouth.

Crossing the front yard, the kitten came to the pavilion.

In the pavilion, He Yang was working on the computer.

At He Yang's feet, there was a big dog with black and white hair.

The big dog was still a little lazy, and suddenly noticed something, the ears on his head moved slightly, he raised his body slightly, and looked to the side.

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