Chapter 192: floor-to-ceiling windows after marriage

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Xu Chengyan stretched out his hand, hooked He Yang's tie, and asked slowly, "What's the benefit?"

"A salary increase."

Xu Chengyan laughed, untied his tie, and asked, "Is there any other benefit?"

"Promotion, become the boss's wife." He Yang exerted a little force on his hand and asked, "Are you considering it?"

"Then please hurry up Mr. He." Xu Chengyan smiled, threw the tie aside, and hugged He Yang's shoulders.

The temperature of the indoor air conditioner was a bit low, and Xu Chengyan was wearing nothing on his upper body, and his naked skin was exposed to the air with a hint of coolness.

The temperature on He Yang's body was relatively high, and the warm big hand fell on the cold back, slowly sliding down the spine and touching the waist.

He Yang wrapped his arms around the person in his arms, using his hands hard, he directly picked him up and put it on the table next to him.

The table was also cold, Xu Chengyan shrank and couldn't help complaining, "The air conditioner is a little cold."

He Yang raised the temperature of the indoor air conditioner a bit, took off his jacket, and unbuttoned his shirt.

Xu Chengyan looked at He Yang's movements and asked, "Are you on the table?"

"Yeah." He Yang responded.

"It will dirty the table." Xu Chengyan was a little careless.

"Go to bed?"

"It will stain the bed."

He Yang stopped unbuttoning the button, stepped forward, put his hands on the youth's side, and asked, "Where do you want to do it?"

"Let's take a shower, take a shower when you're done, save time." Xu Chengyan touched He Yang's face and said slowly, "If you hurry up, I can finish the form before I get off work."

Xu Chengyan was still thinking about the forms that he had not finished, and always kept in mind his identity as an intern secretary.

It's just that Boss He frowned, as if he didn't want Secretary Xu to be too diligent.

"As much as possible." He Yang replied vaguely, reaching out to the young man in front of him.

Xu Chengyan leaned over cooperatively and was picked up by He Yang, thinking that He Yang was going to take him to the bathroom.

It's just that with He Yang's actions, Xu Chengyan found himself being held by the window, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

The lounge has floor-to-ceiling windows and is dozens of stories high. When you look outside, the city becomes smaller.

He Yang put the person in his arms by the floor-to-ceiling window, and pressed the young man's hands on the window, pressing them up.

Xu Chengyan turned his head and asked, "Don't you want to go to the bathroom?"

"I haven't tried the window yet." He Yang lowered his head, and a delicate kiss fell on the back of the young man's neck.

"Pretty bells and whistles..." Xu Chengyan let out a short low laugh, still tacitly acquiescing to He Yang's actions.

He Yang was still kissing the nape of his neck, and he stretched out a hand towards the young man.

The only remaining suit pants were taken off, Xu Chengyan closed his eyes and pressed his chest against the cold window.

The posture of kneeling on the ground was not pleasant, Xu Chengyan still opened his eyes and looked out the window.

There are high-rise buildings outside the window, and cars come and go on the road.

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