Chapter 106: He Yang has a new boyfriend

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Qin Zhou returned to the crew alone.

He still has a play in the afternoon, but Xiao Cheng's role is a bit later.

It wasn't until after four o'clock that Xiao Cheng was sent back.

With a snack bag in his hand, Xiao Cheng rushed towards Qin Zhou: \"Brother Qin Zhou!\"

\"Uncle Little Sheep bought it for me.\"Xiao Cheng put the snack bag on the table,\"I also touched the big dog.\"

Qin Zhou laughed and rubbed Xiao Cheng's head.

The big dog Xiao Cheng said should be Qiqi.

\"I haven't finished watching the big sheep, so I'll go to Uncle Sheep tomorrow.\"Xiao Cheng was still thinking about the things he hadn't finished watching the cartoon.

Qin Zhou took Xiao Cheng to the dressing room and asked Xiao Cheng to change clothes first.

After the filming, Xiao Cheng sat on the chair and shouted: \"Brother Qin Zhou, I want to drink water.\"

Qin Zhou habitually looked at the table and didn't see Xiao Cheng's water cup, so he asked: \"Where's your water cup?\"

Xiao Cheng: \"In the bag.\"

Qin Zhou got up and looked around, but didn't see the schoolbag, so he asked: \"Where is the schoolbag?\"

\"My schoolbag is in...\" Halfway through, Xiao Cheng suddenly got stuck.

After a while, Xiao Cheng said with a guilty conscience: \"At Uncle Sheep's place...\"

Qin Zhou also remembered that when Xiao Cheng went to find He Yang at noon, he was carrying a schoolbag.

Xiao Cheng: \"I want to get my schoolbag...\"

After saying that, Xiao Cheng jumped off his chair and was about to find He Yang.

Qin Zhou held Xiao Cheng and said: \"You shoot the next scene first, and I will call you and ask.\"

His roles are staggered from Xiao Cheng's, and Xiao Cheng has more scenes to film later.

\"Okay.\" Xiao Cheng nodded.

Qin Zhou found a disposable water cup in the lounge to pour water for Xiaocheng, and called Uncle Wen again.

Uncle Wen should also come down, saying that the servant will bring the schoolbag over.

Qin Zhou sat on the side of the rest area, waiting for his schoolbag.

It's just that when Qin Zhou waited for the schoolbag, he found that it was not the servant who delivered the schoolbag, but He Yang.

He Yang took his schoolbag and came to the crew.

Qin Zhou went over and took the schoolbag.

It just happened that Xiao Cheng finished filming a scene, and when he saw He Yang coming over, he trotted over, \"Uncle Little Sheep!\"

\"I want to see the big sheep tomorrow!\"Xiao Cheng raised his head, still a little excited.

\"Yeah.\"He Yang should come down,\"Just come directly at noon.\"


He Yang rubbed Xiao Cheng's head and looked at Qin Zhou on the side.

However, before He Yang could say anything, he suddenly received a call.

He Yang frowned when he heard the voice on the other end of the phone.

Qin Zhou held Xiao Cheng by the side and did not make a sound to disturb him.

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