Chapter 10 Blast from the Past

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Izanami had been missing Toga so much she slept in the living room with Chizue for comfort. They didn't get to talk on the phone but Toga was always able to send goodnight texts and that was good enough for her.

She woke up late again and she laid there wondering when she'd feel normal. She was starting to forget what normal felt like. Was this her normal? No, it couldn't be... right? Why hadn't she noticed normal felt so gray before. How did wanting to live make her want to die right now. With Toga she was too happy. What was she like before Toga came along? Why was this low taking so long to even out? The pills just weren't working. She hasn't had an episode this bad in years.

What if she went to go see him? God, it's been so long, he could've changed his number by now. At this point she just needed to feel up again. She didn't have time to think about the repercussions of her actions, she just needed help.

Izanami clicked his contact in her phone before she could talk herself out of it. It rang and rang and right when she was gunna give up, someone answered.


"Is this Nishinoya?" She asked timidly.

"Yeah who wants to know" he asked and she could practically hear him smirking on the other end.

"It's Izanami" she rolled her eyes.

"Nams? Long time no talk" he chuckled, "what can I do for you babygirl?"

"Don't start" she muttered. He hasn't changed at all. "Are you still at the same spot?" She asked.

"Are you okay? I thought you didn't need me anymore" he sounded worried.

"I just need a change of pace I guess" she shrugged. She knew it wasn't a very good idea but she convinced herself it worked about 40% of the time when she was younger and at this point she was willing to take those odds.

"Yeah I'm still at the same place, text me when you're here babygirl " he said before hanging up.

Izanami showered and got ready to leave the house. She put her anxiety pills and some money in her pocket before grabbing her keys. "I'll be right back Chizue, be a good girl okay?" she said after kissing her nose.

She walked to Nishinoya's apartment reminiscing about the past. They met in high school and ended up dating for a minute. He was a fucken idiot but he was sweetest guy she knew. It was a good set up for a while until Izanami decided it was better they go their separate ways. That's when Izanami stopped using Nishinoya and drugs to cope. She had to stop relying on his quirk, it wasn't fair to him. She really did care about him, she just didn't love him like he loved her. She wasn't in the right place to love anyone at the time.

She texted him she was outside and Nishinoya opened his apartment door to let her in, "I got a dude crashing on my couch right now. He's a little ugly but he's alright I guess" he joked.

Izanami walked in looking down at her pocket to fish out her Xanax, "I have money but I thought you could use these more than me" she said turning around to toss it to him. She glanced at the figure on the couch and froze.

"She's your ex?" Dabi asked wide eyed. He was fucken shocked. He never pegged Izanami for the type to date Nishinoya's dumb ass.

"You two know each other?" Nishnoya asked equally as shocked. What typa mess had Izanami been getting herself into these days?

"She's our healer man" Dabi said dragging his hand down his face.

Izanami shook off her initial shock and made her way to sit down on a recliner, "Noya I need it now" she said throwing a stack of cash on the coffee table. She shook her hands out and ran them through her hair anxiously.

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