Chapter 33 Smart Denki

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The next day, Toga walked into school more confidently. After reading her evaluations, she wasn't worried about pushing anyone away anymore.

She entered her classroom and stood by the group clamoring just infront of that door. "What's going on?" She whispered to Kaminari.

"New seating chart" he said not sparing her a glance, unable to pull his eyes away from Shinso. What was he doing in their class so early in the day?

Toga followed Kaminari's gaze and squealed lowly, causing him to finally look at her. "Your boyfriend finally made it to our class" she whispered, making him turned embarrassingly red.

Before Kaminari could dispute Toga's claim the bell rang signaling Aizawa to start class.

"Good morning students, Shinso is officially part of Class 1-A and I made new seating arrangements to accommodate an odd number of students. Please go to your seat as I call your names, we're starting with the back row sit right to left"

"Your right or our right?" Kaminari asked, making the class snicker.

"Your right" Aizawa responded, looking back at his clipboard.

"Okay starting from the last row: Ashido, Toga, Kaminari and Shinso, Tokoyami, Shoji. Next row: Hagakure, Asui Uraraka and Ojiro, Iida, Aoyama and Sato, Kirishima, Bakugo. Front row: Koda, Yaoyarozu, Jiro and Sero, Todoroki, Midoryia" he said reading out loud, delegating slowly for them to follow along.

When Toga settled in her seat she could've explode and a million butterflies would be released in her place. She welcomed the warmth Mina's smile brought her.

"How awesome is this!" Mina shouted lowly, leaning in closer so Kaminari could hear.

"I know right? maybe Mr. Aizawa doesn't hate us" Kaminari chuckled.

Toga could see the tiny blush on his face. She looked over and made eye contact with Shinso. He was staring at Kaminari and it made her smirk knowingly. She loved love so much, ugh it just makes her feel alive! What a great morning this is turning out to be!

"Now that you guys are grouped together like this I want you to use your classmates for help and more importantly learn self restraint, because if you guys get too loud while I'm sleeping I will take away your seats and make you stand along the wall" Aizawa huffed when it sounded like the chattering would rise above his voice.

"Yes Sensei" the class droned in unison.

"Alright, free period" he waved off before laying down in his sleeping bag.

"Hey Toga, President Mic signed me up to be an English tutor for extra credit. Can you believe that? Me, Denki, a tutor!" Kaminari smiled proudly when he watched Toga take out her English textbook.

"Yeah I'm glad dude! But now I'm always gunna be bugging you, English is hard" Toga whined, resting her chin on her book.

"We're gunna talk about it 3rd period" Kaminari nodded happily.

Toga loved how Kaminari beamed with excitement. It was gunna be a good day for everyone and she was excited.

Suddenly, there was a loud metal clanking that stole Toga's attention. Before she could pinpoint her gaze, she heard Chizue huff in preparation to growl.

"Opps dropped my water bottle" Hagakure said, standing up to retrieve it.

Chizue barked at her as a warning and Toga felt the air being knocked out if her body. Hagakure skrieked and purposely fell, tripping over the side of her chair, causing students to laugh.

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