Chapter 44 Let Me Heal You

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Izanami briskly walked out the building before going into a full sprint. Her head was so light it felt like it could've floated off her shoulders. It didn't matter that her lungs burned, she frantically huffed and gasped for air to get to her destination.

She wasn't paying attention and ran passed the first train station, forcing her to go to the next one. When she got there she slowed down to keep from bumping in to anyone in the crowed area. She got off 4 stops later and walked the rest of the way to The Big and Bad Bar to talked to Tsukihiro. She's never asked to buy drugs but she knew he was her best bet with him being in the yakuza. They were the ones who sold her the gun after all.

Izanami smoothed out her hair and whipped her face, trying her best not to look unhinged. She walked in strategically, already calculating how she'd charm anyone she came in contact with.

"Izanami? Long time no see, it's like you disappeared on us" Tsukihiro smiled teasingly. He missed her and he knew the girls missed her too.

"I keep in touch!" Izanami smiled, baring her teeth trying to get a convincing crinkle in her eye to make it seem natural.

"Yeah Miki says you check in every now and again" Tsukihiro shook his head amusingly, believing every word. "What can I get you" he asked placing both hands on the bar to lean against it.

There were a few people in the bar and she didn't want to get him in trouble so Izanami hopped on a stool and got closer to whisper, "Tsuki... I got a little favor to ask"

"What's up?" he asked nodded his head, analyzing her appearance. Upon first glance she seemed fine but her eyes and nose were red, maybe from crying?

"It's business talk" Izanami informed before he could ask her if she was alright. "You know where I can score some blow?" She whispered.

Tsukihiro's eyes widened. The answer was yes but he never pegged Izanami for a coke fiend. "What do you want with that stuff, Nami?" He shook his head, trying to deter her from pursuing this any further. He hoped it was just curiosity but the more he watched her, the more he feared she needed a fix.

"Take off the kitty gloves Kobayashi, I'm a grown woman and my money is as good as anyone else's" she chided with a playful smirk.

"Alright, alright, put the claws away. I'll check out back to see if Yukito's even in" Tsukihiro said with his hands up, trying to push the sass away.

He walked to the back and saw who he was looking for. "Yukito, I gotta friend that wants to talk to you" he said while crossing his arms.

"Oh yeah? What they want?" He asked, pulling a dwindling joint from his mouth.

"She says blow but do me a favor and try to sell her some green or something, she's a good girl" Tsukihiro said, glaring at the younger dude. He didn't care much for him and he doesn't know why his uncle lets him run wild like he does.

"Good girls are my number one customers" Yukito smirked, putting his joint out in the ashtray as he stood up excitedly.

Tsukihiro stepped forward and shoved him back into his seat. "Pull that shit with her and I'll put you through that fucken wall" he said intimidatingly, glancing at the wall to his left.

"Alright, whatever, send her back" Yukito scoffed and fidgeted with the wrinkles in his outfit.

Tsukihiro rolled his eyes and went to bring Izanami through. "Alright Nami, come on back" he said, lifting up the bar hatch for her to come over. He led her back to the room and he glared at Yukito one last time before he shut the door behind himself.

Izanami pulled up a seat and pulled out her phone. "I know it's usually cash only but I could Apple Pay you"

Yukito laughed, "Apple Pay? Do I look like the mall to you princess?"

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