Chapter 20 Reunited

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Everyone woke up at their regular times but they all stayed in bed until someone made the decision to head over to the apartment.

Toga looked around the room with a tiny smile, this place would've been good if Izanami's wasn't better. She never would've thought she'd feel secure again since leaving home but being with Izanami proved her wrong. In fact, it was better than her life at home by a mile, by a thousand miles even. It's not like her life since then hadn't been fun because it was. It was just so exhausting and she never got any real sleep. She was glad that stint was brief. Suddenly, her phone pinged in her hand.

Dabi: you ready to go home kid?

Toga shot out of bed and ran down the hall bouncing in front of Dabi and Shigaraki, who were still waiting on Twice.

"Chill out Toga" Shigaraki said as he stared intently down the hall waiting for Twice to hurry up.

"But I'm excited! You think Chizue missed me?" She smiled, rocking back and forth.

"I bet that dumb dog was miserable without you" Dabi smirked.

"Where the hell is Twice" Shigaraki said, marching down to his room to bang on his door. When he didn't hear an answer he walked in only to find the room short one crazy guy. "Twice?" He called out. Why would he leave? He was supposed to go to Izanami's with them. Where could he have gone?

"You guys are taking forever let's g-" Toga snapped her mouth shut when she saw Twice missing from his bed.

Dabi who had gone with her stood there, eyes darting around the room. "Where the hell did he go?" He finally asked, crossing his arms.

"How the hell should I know?!" Shigaraki huffed.

Toga pulled out her phone and checked her messages and frowned when she didn't find any from Twice saying where he went.

"Whatever, let's go then" Dabi frowned as he turned to walk out of the room.

Shigaraki shuffled after him while Toga took one more glance around. She trailed behind the boys with her nose in her phone, texting Twice.

Toga: wya jin we're headed to iza-chans rn, meet us there ok?

When they got to the apartment and took the familiar elevator, Toga turned to the boys before fishing out her key. "Shhhh, she still might be sleeping" she hushed, unlocking the door slowly. She heard the clicking of Chizue nails on the floor when she opened the door. She vibrated with excitedly and clenched her teeth to keep from squealing. "My baby!" she shouted silently.

Dabi shut the door as quietly as possible and leaned against it, watching the sickeningly sweet reunion.

Shigaraki took a seat on the couch, not willing to risk dragging a chair across the kitchen floor loudly. Dabi had the same idea and hopped on the counter while Toga sat down on the floor, leaning on the side of her bed closest to Izanami.

Dabi checked the time and looked over at Izanami, "we should let her sleep til at least 1" he whispered.

Toga physically nodded for Chizue with her hands sandwiched between her jaw and the top of her head.

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