Chapter 42 Sinking to the Bottom

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Aizawa went to go check on everyone first thing in the morning. He knocked gently before entering the room.

Dabi's eyes darted to meet who walked in. "Be quiet or get out" he said lowly.

"I was just checking on the girls" Aizawa whispered as he stood next to him.

"They're fine. I got 'em" Dabi glared.

"Purely for my own conscience" Aizawa said lightly. "I finally got around to digging up everything on Izanami" he said, making Dabi sit up and glare at him harsher.

After Izanami's behavior and her connection to Crimson Riot, Aizawa needed to find out more information. The first time around, he was only able to pull her W-Class Quirk License and her address. If he had tried to dig deeper he wouldn't have had much luck but since Dr. Tanaka needed access to her files for the bank meeting, anyone could've found them if they knew where to look. And he was able to find her real name by searching through Crimson Riot's cases using her age and quirk registration. 


Dabi didn't let Aizawa finish. He grabbed him by his shirt collar and slammed him into the closest wall with heated hands. "Don't ever utter that fucken name in front of her, you hear me?" he said coldly.

Shigaraki woke up from the commotion and walked over to Dabi. "Come on man, the girls are sleeping" he said, placing a hand on his shoulder. He took his gloves off to sleep so he only had his hand on him for a moment to gain his attention.

Dabi glared one last time  before he pushed himself off Aizawa and adjusted his jacket. "You're lucky I'm a good guy" he scoffed darkly before throwing himself into his seat.

Aizawa nodded as he fixed his clothes. Dabi was right, it was a dick move to dig around someone's past and blurt it out to others as if it wasn't traumatizing. "Are you guys hungry? I can show you to the cafeteria before I speak to my class" he asked.

"Just go, Teech" Shigaraki waved off.

"If you change-"

The door opened slowly and quietly, revealing Bakugo and Kirishima. "Oh you guys are up, good morning" Kirishima smiled with a basket in his hands.

"Morning" Bakugo muttered while shutting the door behind him.

"What do you brats want?" Shigaraki asked, crossing his arms.

"We told Mina we'd dropped some things off for you guys!" Kirishima said brightly.

"Keep your voice down Red" Dabi said as he sat up straighter.

Kirishima cringed and looked at all the sleeping bodies, "right, sorry" he whispered before walking up to him. "She cleaned out her side of the pantry. She had cookies, tea, waters, chips, she even gave away her chocolate covered pretzels and she never shares with me. Oh! And Denki said you can borrow his Nintendo Switch" he gushed while moving things around to show him.

"Where are they? Why didn't they come in this morning themselves?" Aizawa asked.

"Oh..." Kirishima started dejectedly.

"Pinky and Sparky couldn't stop crying, didn't get much sleep" Bakugo frowned as he eyed Toga and Izanami.

"That's too bad, those two are my favorite" Dabi sighed, looking down at the basket.

"Toga's too" Kirishima pouted.

Shigaraki picked up the Switch and stared at it. "Tell 'em to come by when they can" he said lightly before setting it back down.

"Do you guys need anything else?" Bakugo asked after nodding.

"We're good, just get your teacher out of here. I'm tired of looking at him" Dabi sneered at Aizawa. "Keep your mouth shut about them files" he said low and threateningly, fluttering fire in his palm before he closed his fist.

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