Bonus Chapter: Izanami's Rescue

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CW// Suicidal thoughts.


Age 14

"I'm headed to work, make sure you behave while I'm gone Sachi" Dr. Chibana smiled light heartedly at his daughter as he put on his shoes at the front door.

Sachi was right where she was supposed to be, sitting in the center of the room on her knees with her head bowed to greet him. "Yes father" she said lowly, her eyes boring into the immaculate cherrywood floors.

She took such good care of these floors you could've never guessed what happens on them.

"Don't forget to study" her father said before he shut the door and headed to his private clinic.

After she heard the door shut, she waited a few seconds to make sure he was really gone before exhaling so deeply she melted face down into the floor. After a few deep breaths she stood up and got her miserable day started. She took her vitamins and ate her fruit and porridge like she did every morning.

When she put her bowl in the sink, she stared at the knife she used on her orange. She turned on the faucet and let it fill her used bowl, never taking her eyes off the knife. In her peripheral, she noticed the bowl over flowing so she shut the water off and tore her eyes away to grab a sponge to wash her dirty dishes.

It took her less than a minute before she was staring back at that knife again. She stared at her reflection as she made passes with the sudsy sponge over and over. The foam streaks changing its' spidery pattern made her face look different each time.

Sachi wanted to be someone else, anyone else. She was so alone and when she wasn't alone she was with him.

No, that's a lie.

It'll always be them. He'll always be with her and there was nothing she could fucken do about it.

She let out a frustrated yell and threw the knife down in the sink, making it bounce up at her. She didn't even flinch, she just stared at it before it clinked and clattered to a stop.

She didn't want to look at herself anymore so when she rinsed the knife off she stared out the darkly tinted kitchen window, her hands doing their own thing but her eyes trained on a Sakura tree across the street. She liked that tree. She's always wanted to know what the blossoms smelled like. Was it a sweet smell or was it one of those things where they looked beautiful but smell awful? She even fantasized about the magnificent view from up top.

She stood there a little while longer daydreaming about touching the clouds from the highest branch before she went to grab her textbook to study. She already knew every word in every book in this house but her father would know if she didn't listen.

When she got tired of the big words in her Problem-based Microbiology textbook she switched to her Guide to Domestic Service. She didn't know why her father added this book to her lesson plan but that didn't matter. The only thing that matter was she learned it and learned it well.

After awhile Sachi's eyes started to sting from reading so much. It didn't help that the house was always so dark, even in the late morning. She glanced at the grandfather clock by the door and laid on flat on the floor for a dreamless nap. She rarely got the chance to sleep uninterrupted and of course she wouldn't get the chance to right now either.

As she laid there in the middle of the living room she heard sirens growing louder and louder. She sat up as she felt the light tremble of stomping, like a parade was marching towards the house. Quickly she got to her feet and took a timid step away from the front door. Whoever it was, she knew it wasn't her father.

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