Chapter 21 Fun Surprise

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After her shift, Izanami decided to buy donuts for the apartment. When she opened the door her eyes flashed towards the sink, half expecting Dabi to be doing the dishes.

She set the donuts down on the table, sat up at the counter where she first got to hug him, and pulled out her phone to text Nishinoya.

Nams: is dabi there?? he ran off yesterday
Nams: i wanna give him his space, just tell me if he's ok

Izanami wanted to text Dabi's number but she meant it about wanting to give him space. She hopped off the counter and wrote a cute little note to place on the donuts before she went to her room to put the toiletries in their place and take her medication. After she was finished with that, she placed the bag of clothes and blankets in her closet. Finally, she got to slip into bed beside Toga and sleep for a couple hours.

Toga could feel the dip in the bed but it was easy to ignore and fully succumb to sleep once again.


Toga woke up about an hour later and adjusted Chizue so she could get out of bed without waking anyone. It was all in vain since the dog got up to follow her out of the room. After she fed Chizue breakfast, she looked up to see the boys asleep in her bed. She'd told them when Izanami left for work they could have it. Izanami didn't seem to care much when they slept together so she thought it was the perfect solution.

She made her way to the kitchen to serve herself some water when a pink box caught her attention. She noticed the familiar handwriting and was quick to read it.

'I got us donuts! I really need to go grocery shopping :( but this isn't the only surprise!! I can't wait to show you guys <3

Toga opened up the box excitedly. She's only had donuts a hand full of times. She didn't have a favorite yet so she picked one she's never seen before. Instead of the traditional donut shape it was long with brown glaze. She bit into it and hummed with delight, it turned out to be maple and it was delicious. She smiled as she pulled out a chair to sit down and swung her legs happily.

Shigaraki got up upon hearing the chair. He noticed Toga kicking her legs childishly and got out of bed to greet her. "Morning" he said groggily rubbing his eyes, taking the seat across from her before he noticed the pink box. "What's that?" He asked curiously.

Toga put the note back on top of the box and slid it towards him. He read the note and hesitantly opened the lid, taking a chocolate donut with sprinkles.

"Never pegged you for a sprinkles guy" Toga smiled teasingly.

"Shut up" he grunted with his mouth full.

"What do you think it's gunna be like from now on?" Toga asked, scooting closer to the table.

Shigaraki swallowed his food and cleared his throat. "I don't know, you've been at this longer than I have" he said, staring at his sprinkles. His sister like the strawberry sprinkle donuts, they used to argue which was better, strawberry or chocolate. If he were being honest he liked strawberry donuts too, he just liked arguing with her.

"What about our phones? Giran's not gunna wanna keep paying for them when he finds out we aren't in the game anymore" Toga asked.

Shigaraki shrugged, "are we gunna need 'em? We're probably gunna stay here while Izanami's out, she has wifi I'm sure it'll be fine." They only ever used it for crime anyways. Giran had a hacker on deck who camouflaged everything they did. They wouldn't need to do that anymore now that they were with Izanami.

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