Chapter 39 Zero Tolerance Policy

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Friday morning Izanami slept for 2 hours after coming home from her shift before she needed to meet Dr. Tanaka at the bank. She opted to sleep in, she'd rather be well rested and hungry than tired and full. She brought her hospital pay stubs with her current address and name while he provided the necessary documents confirming she was Sachi Chibana.

They needed to have a meeting with the chief executive at her bank due to the very large amount of money in question, it was a very delicate situation. Izanami was thankful Dr. Tanaka was taking lead since it was emotionally draining. She had half a mind to tell the executive they could keep the money but she needed a loan because she'd be damn if she didn't get her house after this long ass meeting.


Toga was having an exceptionally good day, that should've been her first clue.

Everything was going too well for far too long. She should've seen something like this coming. She was naïve to think she kept Hagakure satiated with her cooperation.

She found a note in her desk when she reached for her library book, the one Mina helped her find. She was inconspicuous about reading it since she was in such close proximity to her best friends.

'Meet me in the quad during lunch and don't tell any of my friends where you're going'

Toga felt sick, like she was backed into a corner. She already knew who wrote her this cryptic ass note and she was embarrassed to admit she feared their conversation.

She quietly ripped up the jagged piece of paper into teeny tiny pieces to erase it from existence.

The rest of the periods muddled together until the lunch bell rang and she packed her belongings away painfully slow.

"Ready Himiko?" Mina smiled as she stood up to wait for her.

"A-Actually I think I'll take Chizue out before I head to the cafeteria" Toga declined as smoothly as she could.

"Can I come with?" Mina asked hopefully, all wide eyed and sparkly.

Toga made a face, "I'd rather you not" she muttered, mustering up a bitter tone.

Mina's smile flew out the window and was replaced with a hurt expression that made Toga want to stab her own heart out.

"Is something wrong Hi-"

"I'm fine, maybe I'll see you later" Toga said curtly as she dragged Chizue outside, she couldn't stand to see the look on Mina's face any longer. Tears welled in her eyes and her breathing started to pick up. How was she supposed to apologize for all that? Maybe she was too hard on Mina but she was this close to letting her tag along and that would've made everything worst, right?

Toga paced around aimlessly, waiting for Hagakure to yell at her or threaten her, whatever the hell she wanted, it didn't matter anymore. All she wanted was to make it fast so she could find Mina and  profusely apologize for being so rude and mean.

"I'm getting so fucken tired of your smiling face" Hagakure said sinisterly, appearing out of thin air.

Chizue's whole body vibrated in a low warning growl, she tried take a smidgen of a step forward but Toga held her close.

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