Chapter 47 Job Opportunity

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Izanami was the first one up and she carefully untangled herself from Toga and Chizue. She took her medication and snacked on some pretzels before she texted Kanna.

Izanami: thank you for being so understanding with our situation, i am free any day this week to continue our paper work and i'm willing to renegotiate the price for your troubles

When she was done she pocketed her phone and tried to tidy up the room they've been occupying all weekend.

The door opened and Recovery Girl was surprised everyone was still there. "You guys never went home?" She asked as she made her way to her desk.

"Sorry Chiyo-Sama, there was just so much stuff and we don't have a car. We're going to get picked up in the afternoon. I promise we'll stay out of your way" Izanami said, glancing over at all the gifts they boxed up the night before.

"Oh I don't mind honey" she waved off with a smile. "It's not too active in the morning. I'm my busiest after lunch"

"I'll be happy to help if something comes along" Izanami assured. She was going to be useful if they were gunna take up space.

"Thank you, I appreciate it. When the children wake up do you think you could help me get fresh sheets and make the beds?"

"Yes ma'am" Izanami nodded.
"I'm going to pop out for coffee and sandwiches would you like some?" She asked, watching her log into her computer.

"Oh that's not necessary" Recovery Girl shook her head.

"It's rude to eat in front of someone" Izanami said, trying her best to convince her.

"So polite" she giggled "In that case, I'd love some"

"Okay, I'll be fast!" Izanami smiled as she headed out the door.

On her walk to the coffee shop she hoped Twice and Dabi ate a good breakfast. While she was waiting in line, she sent Twice an encouraging text, wishing him luck on his first day.

She debated on texting Dabi but she didn't think she should after what she said to him. It was unfair especially since she wouldn't know what to do in his situation. She made him feel guilty for surviving and that was just horrible.

Izanami paid for their food and coffee and got them quickly, which she greatly appreciated since she was kind of in a rush to get back. She didn't want the kids waking up while she was out.

Sadly, it was all for nothing because when she entered the room she found them changing the sheets and folding up the used ones.

"I was supposed to do that" she pouted, setting the coffees down on Recovery Girl's desk.

"We know how to fold sheets" Shigaraki muttered.

Izanami chuckled before turning back to Recovery Girl to hand her a coffee. "Here you go! And a breakfast sandwich" she smiled while digging in the bag to hand her her food.

"Thank you" she said gratefully. "I asked the children to bring some chairs from the faculty lounge so you can be comfortable" she said, gesturing to the phone.

"Oh thank you!" Izanami smiled before going to hand out the rest of the food and coffee. "Ice caramel lattes 'cause you guys are so sweet" she said teasingly. She giggled when she saw Shigaraki glare and peak over at the nurse to see if she heard her.

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