Chapter 28 Cards on the Table

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Dabi's eyes twitched from sun light before they fluttered opened. He was groggy and his throat was so dry it felt as if he swallowed dirt. His eyes darted around with urgency, trying to figure out where he was. All too soon he realized he was in Izanami's apartment, in her bedroom. He tried to get up despite his pounding headache but there was an uncomfortable tug on his hand, his eyes followed a tube to an almost empty bag of saline. His heart clenched as he gritted his teeth to keep from shouting in frustration. Why did Izanami do this? Why did she always want to take care of him? He wasn't worth it, especially after everything he's done to her.

"You can be loved I promise"

Izanami's voice rang in his ears.

"I want you guys to be happy"

Dabi's mind was flooded with the words she always seemed to mean.

"I wanna keep you guys"


Then her eyes flashed in his head and they seemed to make everything okay.

"Izanami!" Dabi called out hoarsely, as loud as he could muster before coughing. He didn't know what possessed him to do it but it was too late, he'd called out to her. He just hoped she'd come. He begged her to go to him, for if she didn't he'd never call out to her again.

He heard Izanami running towards him, he heard the patter of her feet and he felt a push of air when the door swung open. How she heard his small cry behind a closed door was beyond him but she did and she was here. He was too focused on her eyes to see Toga quietly shutting the door to give them privacy.

Izanami raked over Dabi tentatively and gasped when they finally locked eyes. "You're bleeding" she said tearfully, bringing up glowing hand to cup his face.

Dabi didn't even know he was crying, he was only focused on the unshed tears in Izanami's eyes. He was alway making her cry. Gently, he brought up his hands to stop her. "It happens when I cry, it's fine" he muttered lowly. How fucken embarrassing, crying tears of blood.

Izanami maneuvered their hands so she was the one holding them and she sat at the edge of the bed, careful not to disturb him. They both stared at each other before she smiled at him softly. "I'm so glad you're awake" she laughed, the action making a lonely tear slip from her lashes.

"I hate making you cry" Dabi admitted, ignoring the way his throat tasted of blood from being so dry. He released his hand that was void of his IV to wipe away her tear quickly.

"I'm happy" she cried again. "I'm so happy you're back!"

He tried to speak but his throat didn't let him, his mouth gaped open and his brows furrowed in annoyance. Izanami let go of him to grab a water bottle he didn't see waiting for him on top of the drawer. He was surprised when she didn't hand it to him but instead tilted his head up gently and tipped the bottle towards his burnt lips. After the refreshing sip of water eased his burning throat, he cleared it for good measure.

"Is there anything wrong? Are you hurt? Twice said you passed out" Izanami said, placing the water bottle back where it was, uncapped in case he needed it with a quickness.

"I just hadn't eaten anything for a few days" he shook his head.

"I'll go make you someth-"

She tried to get up but Dabi caught her wrist, "Stay with me a little longer." He knew he sounded desperate but he didn't care. He was gunna tell her the truth, tell her everything and he knew she'd finally be done with him. And even though it hurt, he knew he had to do it. It would set her free and he would finally get to be honest with someone for once in his life.

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