Chapter 31 Animals

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"Hey Mina wanna have lunch with me and the girls today?" Hagakure asked as they walked out of the dorms to go to class on Friday morning.

"Sorry Toru, I promised Toga I'd help her find a book for an extra credit Art History report she's doing, maybe some time next week" Mina blushed lightly. It was gunna be her first time alone with Toga and she had high hopes she'd finally get her to call her by her given name.

"Oh, okay! No worries!" Hagakure said painfully cheerful over her invisible scowl. Mina and Toga's little hand holding yesterday definitely didn't go unnoticed. The way Toga used Shigaraki's fainting as an excuse to hold Mina close was absolutely taking advantage of Mina's good nature.

Hagakure couldn't understand why her best friend was so entranced by that criminal. She wasn't even all that, so what she had mystifying cat eyes and really long blonde hair, she was still dangerous! She wouldn't care so much if not for the fact that Mina already spent almost all of her time with Toga and the boys. And now she's not even hanging out with her at the dorms. She's even caught Mina daydreaming of what she can only asume to be about that fucken villain. Mina's glances and whispers in class that used to solely belong to her were all going to that maniac. She hasn't been giving Hagakure any attention and it was all Toga's fault.

Hagakure thought she made herself pretty clear in the restroom last week but apparently not. Retribution was painfully needed for the poor dumb blonde. She's been walking around so happy and carefree, it made Hagakure sick.

In class it was all too obvious the pair were getting close. Hagakure would've absolutely lost her mind if it weren't for the villain showing the same attention to Kaminari. She was happy Kaminari was enough of a distraction because Toga would hold his hand just as much, if not more, than she'd hold Mina's. It's disgusting how clingy that bitch is, watching her hug Kaminari and Mina every morning almost made Hagakure puke. But Kaminari was always first and Mina was always brief and clumsy.

Hagakure waited for Toga to be alone to give her another warning but it was like she was always with someone. Even when she was alone people would stop her to ask about Chizue like her and that stupid mutt were so interesting.


Toga was really starting to like school. She followed all the rules and was very polite and showed good manners every chance she got. Chizue was thriving as well, she loved new people and the attention.

Toga even had friends. She didn't wanna jinx it but that's what she hoped Mina and Kaminari were. It's been hard trying to keep her crush on Mina at bay but she manged pretty well. Their little library date had her on edge but she was just so glad Mina offered to help her.

"Did Midnight give you a list to chose from?" Mina asked, peeking at a book on the top shelf from her tippy toes.

"Yeah, I think I already know which one I'm gunna pick" Toga blushed as she made herself busy rereading the list Midnight gave her.

"Which one? I'll help you find it" Mina smiled, walking up behind Toga to set her head on her shoulder. It was cute how flustered she got. Mina almost peck her cheek if she wasn't afraid of coming on too strong.

"It's this one" Toga mumbled, pointing a perfectly polished finger to the last title on the list. She stepped away to find the correct aisle leaving Mina to follow after her like Chizue. She was quick to try and get away but Chizue tugged on the leash so Mina wouldn't be left behind.

Mina smiled and patted Chizue on the head for being a such good dog.

Toga skimmed her finger along the spines of all the books starting from the bottom, working her way up the top.

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