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Chapter 8

"Where the fuck is he? I'm freezing," I complain with cold shivers trembling through my teeth and look around to see if I spot a tall old man somewhere in this darkness.

"I think that's him-"

I look Pansy's direction at a tall dark silhouette coming from the woods. The woods? How the hell did he come here?

Me and Pansy are holding hands as he's getting closer to us. The first thing I notice about him is his short grayish hair with a few white strands gelled back. His jaw with white beard is pretty defined, making him look a bit younger.

"How old is he?" I whisper to Pansy while looking at him.

"I forgot...but damn,"

"Yeah...damn," I repeat, mesmerized by his appearance.

He doesn't have many pictures on the dating app, so we had no idea what to expect. Definitely not this.

"Good evening, ladies," he greets us when he's just a few steps far.

"Good evening, Antony," Pansy says and walks a few steps closer to him to cast a spell so he doesn't see the magic around him. She waves her wand by his face and whispers the spell under her nose. After few seconds, he shakes his head and acts like nothing happened.

"How was your ride?" I ask him as we start walking toward the village, both by his sides.

"I don't even know how I got here..." he sounds confused, I smirk at Pansy.

"Well, Antony, there's a first time for everything." I say and grab him by his shoulder to escort us to the Broomsticks.

The village is surprisingly empty, considering it's Saturday evening. But I don't mind. I don't mind at all. The less people see us, the better.
As we enter the Broomsticks, Toby greets us right away. He's standing by the bar next to the door and waves his hand at me and Pansy with a smile, then he notices the older man walking with us. The smile fades from his face.

We don't have much trouble with finding free seats, this place is calm and half empty today. There are only a few couples, a few friends, but I don't recognize any of them. A pleasant atmosphere is in the air, I guess Rosmerta told Toby to play something calming.

I sit next to Pansy so our backs are facing the bar and the entrance door, not our faces. Antony in front of us, smiling from one ear to another.

"I swear, you're much beautiful than I imagined," he says when we all get rid of our coats and blazers.

"Is that so?" I ask and look around the place one more time, just making sure there's no teacher.

"Yes! You know, it's hard to say by a pair of feet,"

I glance at Pansy, who's face looks like she's about to burst out laughing.

"What the fuck?" Her voice echoes in my mind.

I shake my head and look at Anthony checking the menu list with his brows frowned.

"Butter...butterbear? The hell is that?" He mumbles under his mustache.

If I forget about what he just said a few seconds ago, I must say he looks even more handsome now that I see him under a light. Although he has a few wrinkles on his forehead and around eyes, he doesn't look more than 5o.

"It's butterbeer, but I don't suggest you that. You look like you need something...stronger," Pansy advices him and takes the menu from his hands.

"I say we get him drunk and ask for twice the money," I tell Pansy and wait for her reaction.

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