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Chapter 22

If I could apparate to him, if I could do anything to get there as fast as I can...but I can't, so I keep running through the halls and corridors, my legs are getting sore. I've never been fond of running.

The Astronomy tower is on the opposite side from the Slytherin dungeon and I'm pretty sure I'm only in the middle of my way. If anyone told me I'd be chasing after a man a years ago, I'd laugh them out and swore on my life that it would ever happen.

Yet here I am, running out of breath as I'm pushing myself to run faster and faster. The clock on my phone shows 12.05, I'm late.

To be honest, I haven't really thought it through.

He said to meet him only if I don't want us to be over, which I clearly don't...but what do I exactly want? What do I want from him? With no answers, I keep running until I see a skeleton.

I can't help but scream as my eyes meet the scalp of the skeleton sticked on a wall. My body flinches and I stop for a while to catch with my breath. Stupid decorations, I nearly died of shock. I can't see almost anything in this dark castles with no candles lit. Even my wand is god knows where, although the last time I forgot my wand didn't end up very well. It just didn't seem important as I ran out of the common room.

After I allow oxygen to get into my lungs, I run and run until I get to the final staircase leading to the tower. It's huge and never ending, but I'm going to have to get through it. If it wasn't for the starry sky, I wouldn't be able to see a thing. The stairs are narrow and dangerous, I'm being careful with the first ten or twenty, then I totally don't care and take two at once. 0
At this point, I feel like the whole castle can hear my heavy breathing. My legs are starting to fail me, I feel dizzy...

Just a few more...few more steps and you'll be with him...

Of course, if he's still there.

That'd be funny. I think I'd pitch myself off the Astronomy tower.

I nearly see the end of the stairs when all of sudden, my one leg doesn't move, making me trip over the stair. My arms automatically fly toward my head to protect my face. Next thing I know, I'm laying, spread over a few steps like a pancake. I feel stinging pain in my knee, it's probably bleeding, but I don't have time to bother with anything other than continuing.

No. Whatever it is between us, I don't want it to end. I want to be ruined a little more than I want to be loved.

With blood coming out of my knee, I finally walk upstairs to the tower. It's a room of middle size with many windows and a glass door leading to a huge terrace. There are books everywhere along with telescopes. I used to beg Pansy to go there just the two of us, but she's afraid of heights. And I'm afraid of being alone in heights. Who knows what's going through my head? Not even me.

"Draco?" I whisper in case, just in case.

I walk through the room and when I get to the terrace, I spot him. A big stone falls of my heart, for a minute I thought that he wouldn't be here, that I'm late.

Through my whole way here, I've been thinking about how he'a going to react, what I'll say and where will he be standing. I imagined him with his arms leans over the black railings, looking to the nothingness -grey clouds and black mountains.

I was wrong. He's talking to someone.

He's holding a phone by his ear and his mouth opens up and close in an angry way. I can't hear him, so I slightly open the door.

"...whatever happens between us, don't take Scorpius from me! Do you hear me!? Don't you dare taking him from me!"

I flinch from the sudden rage and noise.

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