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Chapter 1

Give it to me!" I say with a giggle and take a fresh rolled spliff out of Theo's fingers. Before he can realize, I quickly put it in between my lips and inhale the smoke into me.

We're hiding behind a corner in our smoking spot outside of the school, just a few steps from the Great hall, where we should definitely be right now.

"Isn't it too strong? I mean...look at her-" Zion murmurs, his face worried and looking directly at me.

"Oh, please! Out of all the things our Louise had," Pansy giggles and puts her arm around my shoulders, "this is nothing,"

I scoff and put it into her mouth, gently touching her red lips as I do that. She lets the smoke slowly come into her and exhales it right into my face.

"You two are going to kill me one day," Blaise says, watching the two of us with satisfaction drawing on his face.

"Oh, baby, we would never do that," Pansy laughs and pats him on his shoulder.

Since the day that me and her ended up as the only drunk fifth years at a party organized by seventh years, we automatically became best friends. That evening changed everything for us and we haven't been the same since.

It was also the day a few guys thought they could take advantage of us, two little drunk girls. They took photos of us, nasty photos with their dirty hands all over our bodies. A night to remember, isn't it? Me and Pansy thought that it would be the end of us, but it turned out totally different. Little did the boys know, taking nasty pictures of 15 year olds is still a child pornography. So we got them expelled. Right before their graduation.

I should've been mad about that situation, but I would never get to know Pansy. We were always in different groups, so we never got the chance to talk until then. Plus, her reputation wasn't the best at the time.

"Don't call me that..." Blaise murmurs and puts her hand out of him, but I catch him blushing. I grin, internally screaming from happiness.

Blaise likes Pansy, Pansy likes Blaise. Everyone can see it, but they only deny it. Such losers. If anyone looked at me the way he looks at her, I'd be head over heels into that person. I dated one boy and a girl, and they both ended up cheating on me. I guess I was too complicated for them, but it's not my fault I'm this way. I require a lot, sometimes too much. But I'm not willing to change for anyone.

"Bardot, Parkinson, Zabini, Nott and Creed," a deep male voice says from behind us all of sudden, "if you don't come to the Great hall immediately, you're getting yourselves a year long detention,"

I instantly get rid of the spliff and put it into Theo's hand before Snape sees it.

"We're coming!" I shout and stick my head out from the corner. I spot Snape standing in front of the door to the Great hall with his arms folded and his face frowned. Never a good sign. He's annoyed with us.

As we come out of the corner, one by one, I cuss in my head. We can't look more suspicious, but luckily, Snape doesn't bother asking us about our whereabouts. I'm sure he knows, and if we weren't his dearest Slytherins, he'd expel us.

One thing that surprises me as I'm walking toward him, is how older he looks. I mean, how old can someone get that older over two months of summer holidays? His hair is way more silver than I remember and a few more wrinkles appeared on his face. I guess being a headmaster of such school has itsconsequences. Especially when the students are getting harder to handle by every year. Speaking from my experience.

I make a little smile at him and enter the Greathall, where everyone is already seated behind their house tables. First day ceremonies are always boring, they're the same each year. We sit down, Snape welcomes us with his extremely warming hands, the Sorting hat does its only job on first years and then, we finally get to eat. At least the food is great, but all the things wehave to go through before, are just pure torture.

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