Plus one

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At least the wedding was in a month so that meant one of two things for Mila, she could prepare herself for what was to come, or she could skip town. But then again, why would she, this is her town, her people, if anything people who don't want to be here, shouldn't be. Either way, she couldn't think of that right now, all Mila wanted to do was to keep working on her art studio, it was small and humble, but she worked on it all summer in between working for Rick, and under his leadership, she really refined her carpentry skills. Needless to say it was coming along nicely. 


"I know that you're more of a big city girl babe but this is where I'm from and all my family and friends are there, I really want you to like it, come on just be open-minded," said Natalia to her girlfriend Ana. 

"For you I'll try, but no promises." 

Natalia and Ana boarded the plane first class as their income allowed it.

"You're gonna love it" said Natalia as they sat down, even though she knew Ana would hate it and is probably already looking for flights to come back.

"Why do you have to be there so early anyway, the wedding is a month from now."

"Because babe, my sister is there and other people I care about." Of course she would never mention one person, in particular, a person she was the most nervous about running into. She tried not to think about it, it had been 6 years, she wondered if she even still remembered her. 

"Fine, but don't expect me to like it."


"So how did she take it?" Asked Jeremy to Mia as he ate a hot dog from their favorite street vendor Charlie.

"Mm not well, and I can imagine she'll be pretty mad at me real soon." said Mia

"Why? What did you do?" Asked Jeremy no longer focusing on his street dog.

"Because I may have left out one little detail about Natalia's arrival."

Jeremy then looked at Mia in shock "Noo, you didn't tell her? You didn't mention she was coming today?"  Mia looked at him with a look that said 'my bad'

"Mia! You can't do that, now what's going to happen when Mila sees her without any warning?" 

"I was sort of hoping that part would work itself out."

"Well, now you've done it." Mia thought it was quite possible that she messed things up for Mila, but she also knew her best friend was still struggling with what had happened all those years ago.  In reality, Mia was thinking of her friend now more than ever, and Mia loved Natalia, but she also knew that what she did, leaving not only Mila but herself as well, was something the majority of the town suffered. Natalia was the town sweetheart right next to Betsy, everyone loved Natalia, she put a smile on anyone's face, was extremely intelligent but one day without a warning she just, upped and left, leaving her sister Mia, Mila, and half of the town, devastated. But she couldn't think about any of that now, the only thing she could focus on was how badly she wanted to see her after not seeing her for 6 years, she wondered if she looked the same or even was the same person from before she left, she would have all of her answers in just a few hours. 


"Babe, babe, wake up, we're here." Ana opened her eyes to take a look out the window "This is it? It's not as small as you mentioned."

"Oh. No babe our town doesn't have an airport, it's about 25 miles out." 

"Great, just.. great."

Natalia looked around to find the baggage claim and her sister, searching for a girl wearing a black leather jacket and most likely boots to match.... she stopped when she found a girl matching that same description. "Mia!" "Nat! Get over here you piece of luncheon meat." Natalia did as told and ran over to hug her sister in the tightest hug to ever exist. "You look hot huh, let's see new clothes, new highlights, it's working for ya babe, but question, wheres Natalia," she said laughing and smiling "Still have the same stupid jokes huh Mia?" said Natalia "What can I say? A girl don't change." Natalia looked back and saw Ana standing there on her phone surely texting about work. "Mia this is Ana, my plus one." Mia stuck out her hand for Ana to shake and Ana just looked at it with no intention to reciprocate the invitation. "O-kay" said Mia "Anyway babygirl how have you been, tell me everything." They caught up on things as they headed towards Mia's truck where Ana found herself perplexed. "How are we going to get to town?" she asked "Why in my trusty truck of course." 

"That thing works?" asked Ana

"Just as much as your brain does," said Mia with a smile, Natalia immediately stepped on her foot 

"What she meant to say is, that it is great means of transportation." 

"Right, well where do we put our bags?"

"My god woman, have you ever seen a pickup truck in your life? You pick up your bags and put it in the trunk."

"They're heavy." said Ana

"It's alright baby Mia will help, won't you." said Natalia

"Only for you babygirl." 

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