The Unknown

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That night Mila didn't want to partake in any activity, she was emotionally drained. All she wished to do was get some rest, she decided to lay on her bean bag chair for a while, maybe close her eyes for a bit. 


Natalia had gone home that night after ditching the boys for smoothies, she would have to make it up to them, but honestly, she felt it worth missing smoothies. She was finally getting somewhere with Mila, at least she was talking to her, and now they were on the mend, or at least that's what she hoped. 

"Yo Schmidt," said Mia to Natalia 

"What happened the boys told me you completely ditched them for smoothies," 

"Oh, uh, yeah, somehow didn't make it.."

"Where were you?" Mia asked raising an eyebrow at her 

"I was just, chatting with Mila,"

"What?" said Mia with even more confusion on her face, "You went to see Hartman? Dude I told you not to."

"No it's okay, it went really well actually, I mean, not at first but then we talked some more." 

"Really? so what you guys are cool now?" asked Mia sarcastically

"Well not exactly, but I think we're on the path."

"Look Nati it's not that I don't want you to make amends with Hartman is just that when you left her life got rough, worse than it already was, she's had a tough few years and well they don't pass over so well, even though she says she's over it, she's still dealing with the ghost of her past, you. So I'm not telling you what to do, but what you should do which is that I do think that you should go about your business here and leave Hartman be, she was overwhelmed when you first got here and you being all over her is not going to help, so please, if you cared or care about her at all, just stop."

Natalia once again chewed and tried to swallow the harsh words her sister was telling her. Was she right? Was Mila so incredibly devastated that seeing her would make matters way worse? She knew that her return would most likely be an unwelcome one, but she hadn't imagined the magnitude that went far beyond what she could see. 

As she finished her thoughts that's when Ana emerged from the bedroom

"Ready for dinner babe?" she asked all ready

"Sure uh, let's go the guys should be waiting."

The two left and Mia said she would catch up with them later, she was surely waiting for Henry who came into town today, those two, they were an even bigger roller coaster ride of emotions than Mila and Natalia. 

Ana and Natalia get to the restaurant to meet the boys, "Hey," said Jeremy all excited to see them and Robin hugged Natalia, but not Ana he was still on Mila's team. They all took a seat at the designated table.

"Where were you guys? How come you didn't come for the smoothies?" Jeremy asked 

Ana then looked inquisitively at Natalia, she hadn't gone because she was working and frankly she figured just one outing a day/week with these people was all she needed. 

"You didn't go?" she asked 

"Um, no I didn't."she responded sounding unsure of herself. 

"Why not?" Ana asked now growing more curious 

"Because I was catching up with an old friend." Natalia for sure thought she had saved it with that one.

"Ah, okay." said Ana unconvinced

"So Jeremy, big day coming up, you nervous?" asked Natalia trying to change the subject 

"Not nervous, excited." said Jeremy looking up at Robin with admiration in his eyes, Robin returned the sentiment

"You guys are just too cute," said Ana

"Well thank you Ana, that's sweet of you."  said Jeremy, Robin still wasn't  a fan. 

Natalia was pleasantly surprised at Ana's comment and was also wondering if she had done it out of sincerity. 

"So guys, please tell me about Natalia and her life when she was here." said Ana 

Natalia looked at her from the side, not sure what she was up to, it didn't seem like regular dinner party reparte from her end. 

"Well she was the town favorite, everyone loved Natalia, she is funny and charming, which I'm sure you know. She cares about others' feelings and is the most giving selfless person I know, that is what has really earned her that title in the hearts of everyone in our town."

"Well isn't that peachy, my little Natalia came from such a small town to make it into a big city and become a successful person."

Jeremy and Robin did not respond to that comment, mostly because they were unsure what she was trying to say. As if being from a small town means not being successful in your own life. 

 "So Robin, do you have your batman tux ready or did you decide to go with something a bit less extravagant?" asked Natalia changing the topic once more. 

Robin realized what she was doing and was glad for it, he did not like this Ana character. 

"Actually I went with something better, 007." said Robin joking and laughing which caused Ntalia to laugh along side of him. 

"So Jeremy, how do you know my Natalia." her Natalia? thought Robin, Ana talked as if she owned her and has had a lot to do with that 'success' she's talking about. 

"Everyone knows Natalia, but we met in pre-school, I took her animal crackers and instead of being mad about it she told me a fact about them which I thought was so cool and we were instant friends." Natalia smiled thinking back on the memory, she loved the kind of bond her and Jeremy had always shared. 

"Nice nice, how about you Robin?" Robin didn't really seem like wanting to engage in conversation with her, but he did for Natalia's sake. 

"I moved into town when I was about 13 years old and she nagged me until I became part of her friend group with Jeremy. But I'm glad she did."

"Hm, all such nice stories, you really are a good person babe." said Ana, yet something about her tone felt off to Natalia. She seemed almost as if she was trying to get information out of Jeremy and Robin rather than just friendly dinner conversation. Almost, cunning. 

"So I'm assuming you guys are all very familiar with everyone in town," she said emphasizing the word 'everyone.' 

"Yeah pretty much." said Jeremy who seemed to be the only one responding back to Ana. 

"Isn't your sister supposed to be here babe?"

"She'll be here in a minute, she's also catching up with an old friend."

"That happens a lot here I see," said Ana

Everyone looked around the table, sort of feeling uncomfortable until the waitress arrived to which they all thanked the lord almighty. 

"Hi, Im Jackie," she introduced Jackie had a small figure, yet tall in stature with long dirty blonde hair and crystal clear blue eyes, your typical run of the mill small town girl.

Jackie started taking down everyone's order until she locked eyes with Natalia, she seemed almost, panicked. Natalia had never met Jackie before, she must have moved in the six years of her absence, but she was looking at her as if she knew her. 

After Jackie cut off her eye contact she finished taking her order down and walked right back into the kitchen to place the orders into the system. 

"She looks like she's seen a ghost huh?" said  Ana

What the hell is going on. 

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