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"Hey," said Mila picking Jackie up from her shift,

she pulled out a beautiful single whit and orange flower from behind her back.

Jackie happily accepted the flower with blushed cheeks giving Mila a kiss and a hug. "Whats this for?" she asked. "Well your date officially starts now, you're off work which means, you're all mine," said Mila showing Jackie a sweet smile.

"I really like that, am I going to be able to go home and shower?" 

"I would let you, but I don't want to lose another second without you." Jackie felt her heart fill with love at those sweet words, Mila was being so sweet, it was almost unreal she didn't know why she felt something that was unsettling, as if it was almost too sweet. That thought left as soon as it entered, immediately feeling guilty for thinking that way about Mila, Jackie felt silly for even thinking it in the first place. 

"Where are you taking me then?" asked Jackie extremely curious as to where they could go in a small town that they hadn't already gone to. 

"It's a surprise," Mila opened the door to her jeep for Jackie to get in and drove to their destination.


"Miss Astor," said Ana's assistant Ashley opneing up the door to her office 

"How many times have I told you to knock before coming in?" said a bitter Ana 

"Sorry but uh, they're locking up the building"

Ana looked at the clock on her computer screen and realized it was way past work hourse. "Alright I'll be there in a minute." Before she turned off her desktop she grabbed a sticky note and took note of a phone number which she safely secured in her jacket pocket before heading out. 


Ana got back to her penthouse, big and empty. Turning on the lights and putting her things down on the coffee table looking through her mail 

"You know, this place could be better." said a deep voice coming from a corner of the penthouse startling and scaring Ana to a scream. She instantly looked in the direction of the voice

"Whoa relax babe, it's just me." said the voice finally coming out from its hiding place. She saw someone she thought she would never see again, emerge from the shadow.

"Marco?" said a surprised Ana "What are you doing here?" 

"Now is that any way to greet your man?" he said walking towards her with open arms

"Stay away from me," she said moving backwards 

"Oh come on, aren't you happy to see me?" 

"No, and how did you get in here?" she asked confused

"Do you not rememeber what I do for a living?" Huh, those words put a lightbulb directly over Ana's head. She did remember what he did for a living, she was finally seeing a light. 

"Actually I do," she said taking a much flirtier approach.

Marco, pleased at her actions responded "Ah there you go, thats the girl I remember" he said getting closer 

She smirked at him seductively "Hm, lets not get ahead of ourselves now," she whispered 


"Seriously Mila where are we going," asked Jackie in between giggles

"Would you relax we're almost there," said a smiley Mila 

Seconds later Jackie feels her phone ringing "Oh its my mom I gotta take this"


"Jackie honey where are you I need you to help me take care of your grandmother I'm going to need you to run down to the store, we're in need of supplies." 

"Right now?" 

"Yes right now Jackie Duran!" 

Jackie and her mom hung up, Mile could tell she was about to get bad news by the look on Jackies face "You have to take me home," 

"Is everything okay?" 

"Yeah I just need to help my mom with getting things for my grandma."

Mila seemed disappointed but understood and derailed her route back to Jackies house.


Natalia had managed to write ideas for her novel, the push from her sister was the catalyst she needed, at least for a starting point. 

Her little town was also an ispiration, and she knew exactly where to go for more of it. She sneaked out past her sister and took her truck up to a special place she found when she was a kid, it was one of the best places she could think of for inspiration, especially at night time. 


God it was just how she remembered it, the beautiful lights on one side, and the country side on the other. She took a seat on the dirt as she used to do as a kid and her early teens. 

She was lost in thought until she heard footsteps approaching, at first she was startled, but when she turned around all she felt was butterflies, as she saw Mila Hartman standing there,  looking amazing and polished. Clean white sneakers, long chino fitted chino pants and an expensive looking black sweater with a small logo in the top left corner. All accompanied by perfectly groomed hair. She looked almost ready for a date. 

"Mila? What are you doing here?" asked Natalia standing up 

"I'm sorry I didn't think anyone would be here, I'll just head out."

"No uh-- it's okay"  said Nat

"No really it's no big deal."

"Alright, rock paper scissors ?" 

Mila sloghtly laughed at this "Alright" 

"Rock paper scissors shoot" Mila won by throwing paper and Nat throwing rock

Mila looked at Natalia "Well, you won, enjoy the view"

"No no, I'll leave you were here first." 

"You know what, we can share, right?" Mila looked over at Natalia and couldn't help but smile.

"Sure, we can share."  Natalia smiled, then squatted down getting close to the dirt drawing a physical line between the two.

"But stay on your side, I don't want any trouble." 

"Why are you up here?" asked Mila 

"Well, I don't know if you know but, I'm having trouble with inspiration for my novel."  

"You're writing a novel?" asked Mila surprised 

"Yeah, or trying to." 

"You know something, I'm really glad you're following your dreams." Natalia looked ahead at all the lights, happy those words had just come out of her mouth.

"Yeah well I don't know, I feel I've been set back." 

"Listen I know you, and you're a good writer, if anyone can do it, its you." Natalia looked down at the ground to try to hide the blush coming in. 

"What about you? What brings you here?" 

"Oh just-" she looks over at Natalia and was dazed by her beauty and her familiarity, everything felt so new, yet so familiar. "Thinking," she finally finished. 

"I totally get that,"

"Listen um I should, get back its late," said Natalia getting up, Mila following in her footsteps.

"Yes me too" 

"It was really good to see you," said Natalia 

"You too Nat, get some rest"


Natalia and Mia both got home inspired that night. 

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